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巴黎和平协定于1973年在基辛格和北越政治局委员Le Duc Tho秘密谈判后签署。协议旨在结束越南战争,事实上确实导致了临时停火和美国介入的结束。 Le Duc Tho越来越担心,如果基辛格和尼克松的缓和政策建立起美国与他的盟友,苏联和中国之间的关系,那么他的国家就会变得孤立。基辛格于1974年在以色列,埃及和叙利亚之间的赎罪日战争期间进行了“穿梭外交”,这导致了各国之间的脱离接触协议。然而,基辛格的方法,特别是他对南美军事独裁统治的明显支持,并非没有批评。迟到的公共知识分子克里斯托弗·希钦斯呼吁基辛格起诉“因战争罪,危害人类罪,违反共同或习惯或国际法的罪行,包括共谋谋杀,绑架和酷刑。”战争罪的指控根深蒂固基辛格在其“肮脏的战争”期间对阿根廷的外交政策定位。该国的军队以扼杀恐怖主义的名义秘密绑架,折磨和杀害了大约3万人。基辛格,国家安全顾问和国务卿,推荐美国通过向国家发送数千万美元并出售飞机来支持军方。记录解密几十年后基辛格批准了“肮脏的战争”,敦促阿根廷军队采取行动,减少美国立法者的参与。华盛顿,基辛格说,不会导致独裁“不必要的困难”。


The Paris Peace Agreement was signed in 1973 after the secret negotiations between Kissinger and North Vietnamese Politburo member Le Duc Tho. The agreement was aimed at ending the Vietnam War and in fact led to the end of the temporary ceasefire and the involvement of the United States. Le Duc Tho is increasingly worried that if Kissinger and Nixon’s easing policy establishes the relationship between the United States and his allies, the Soviet Union and China, then his country will become isolated. Kissinger conducted “shuttle diplomacy” during the Yom Kippur War between Israel, Egypt and Syria in 1974, which led to disengagement agreements between countries. However, Kissinger’s method, especially his apparent support for the military dictatorship in South America, is not without criticism. Late public intellectual Christoph Hitchens called on Kissinger to sue “crimes against war crimes, crimes against humanity, violations of common or customary or international law, including conspiracy to murder, kidnapping and torture.” War crimes allegations are deeply rooted in Kissing In his “dirty war”, he positioned Argentina’s foreign policy. The country’s army secretly kidnapped in the name of stifling terrorism, afflicting and killing some 30,000 people. Kissinger, the National Security Adviser and the Secretary of State, recommended that the United States support the military by sending tens of millions of dollars to the country and selling aircraft. After decades of record declassification, Kissinger approved the “dirty war” and urged the Argentine army to take action to reduce the participation of US legislators. Washington, Kissinger said, will not lead to dictatorship “unnecessary difficulties.”
