
在南非海岸的晚石器时代的半岛上进行了许多研究,即所谓的megamiddens。 Smauli Helama和Bryan Hood(2011)将软体动物和珊瑚看作是树木年轮,利用年轮的变化来产生中间积累的速度。考古学家安东尼塔·杰拉尔迪诺(2017年,以及其他人)研究了贝壳中的微观古环境,以确定海平面的变化。在土耳其Çatalhöyük的新石器时代村庄,Lisa-Marie Shillito及其同事(2011年,2013年)使用微地层学 - 对midden中层的详细检查 - 以确定精细层被解释为炉耙和地板清扫;季节性指标,如种子和水果,以及与陶器生产相关的原地燃烧事件。 Middens对于考古学家来说非常重要,既是最早引起他们兴趣的特征之一,也是人类饮食,排名,社会组织,环境和气候变化的看似永无止境的信息来源。我们用垃圾做什么,无论是隐藏它还是试图忘记它,或者用它来存储可回收物品或我们所爱的人的尸体,它仍然在我们身边,仍然反映着我们的社会。 澳大利亚南澳大学论文代写:晚石器时代 Many studies have been carried out on the Late Stone Age peninsula on the South African coast, the so-called megamiddens. Smauli Helama and Bryan Hood (2011) regard mollusks and corals as tree rings, using the changes in the annual rings to produce intermediate accumulation speeds. Archaeologist Antonita Gerardino (2017, and others) studied the microscopic paleoenvironment in shells to determine changes in sea level. In the Neolithic village of Atalhöyük in Turkey, Lisa-Marie Shillito and colleagues (2011, 2013) use microstratigraphy - a detailed examination of the midden mid-layer - to determine that the fine layer is interpreted as furnace and floor cleaning; seasonal Indicators such as seeds and fruits, as well as in situ combustion events associated with pottery production. Middens is very important to archaeologists and is one of the first features that interest them, as well as a seemingly endless source of information on human diet, ranking, social organization, environment...
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