
袋鼠是食草动物,它们的饮食主要由各种植物组成,如草,灌木和花。有些物种也可能吃真菌和苔藓。袋鼠生活在被称为“暴徒”的群体中,也被称为部队或牧群。这些暴徒通常由该群体中的优势男性领导。与奶牛类似,袋鼠可能会将食物反刍,将其作为咀嚼物咀嚼,然后再次吞咽。这种行为在袋鼠中比在反刍动物中更罕见。袋鼠胃与奶牛和类似动物的胃不同;虽然袋鼠和奶牛都有胃,但各自胃里的发酵过程却不同。与奶牛不同,袋鼠的过程不会产生太多甲烷,因此袋鼠对全球甲烷排放的贡献不如奶牛。袋鼠通常在夜间和清晨活跃,但它们的整体活动模式是多种多样的。他们的休息时间几乎完全受限于昼夜(白天)模式。与骆驼相似,它们可能会在没有饮用水的情况下持续一段时间,因为它们在较热的白天相对不活跃。由于他们的饮食由植物组成,他们的水需求可以通过他们吃的植物中存在的水含量基本满足。 澳大利亚生态学Assignment代写:水含量 Kangaroos are herbivores whose diet consists mainly of various plants such as grasses, shrubs and flowers. Some species may also eat fungi and moss. Kangaroos live in groups known as "thugs," also known as troops or herds. These thugs are usually led by dominant men in the group. Like cows, kangaroos may ruminate food, chew it as a chew, and swallow it again. This behavior is more rare in kangaroos than in ruminants. The kangaroo stomach is different from the stomach of cows and similar animals; although kangaroos and cows have stomachs, the fermentation process in their stomachs is different. Unlike cows, the kangaroo process does not produce too much methane, so kangaroos contribute less to global methane emissions than cows. Kangaroos are usually active at night and early in the morning, but their overall mode of activity is varied. Their rest time is almost entirely limited to the day and night (daytime) mode. Similar to camels, they may last...
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