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有四个任期,民主党人以“确定的事情”-富兰克林·罗斯福赢得了总统职位。 他们想要1948年总统大选的另一项“肯定的事情”,特别是因为共和党人将选择托马斯·杜威作为他们的候选人。 杜威还比较年轻,看上去很受人欢迎,并且在1944年的大选中获得了罗斯福的支持,与罗斯福非常接近。 尽管现任总统通常都有很大的机会连任,但许多民主党人并不认为杜鲁门可以击败杜威。 尽管为使著名的德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔将军上任做了认真的努力,但艾森豪威尔拒绝了。 当杜鲁门成为大会的正式民主党候选人时,许多民主党人都不高兴。


For four terms, the Democrats won the presidency with “Definite Things” – Franklin Roosevelt. They want another “affirmative thing” in the 1948 presidential election, especially since Republicans will choose Thomas Dewey as their candidate. Dewey is still young, looks very popular, and received Roosevelt’s support in the 1944 general election, very close to Roosevelt. Although the current president usually has a great chance of re-election, many Democrats do not believe that Truman can defeat Dewey. Despite the serious efforts made by the famous General Dwight D. Eisenhower to take office, Eisenhower refused. When Truman became the official Democratic candidate for the conference, many Democrats were not happy.
