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20世纪40年代,随着学者们开始研究为什么人们选择消费各种形式的媒体,使用和满足是最初引入的。在接下来的几十年里,使用和满足的研究主要集中在媒体用户所寻求的满足感上。然后,在20世纪70年代,研究人员将注意力转向媒体使用的结果以及媒体所满足的社会和心理需求。今天,这个理论通常归功于Jay Blumler和Elihu Katz在1974年所做的工作。随着媒体技术的不断增加,对使用和满足理论的研究对于理解人们选择媒体的动机以及他们从中获得的满足感比以往任何时候都更加重要。 。使用和满足理论依赖于关于媒体用户的两个原则。首先,它将媒体用户定性为他们选择所使用的媒体时的活跃用户。从这个角度来看,人们不会被动地使用媒体。他们在媒体选择中投入并积极参与。其次,人们意识到他们选择不同媒体选择的原因。他们依靠自己的动机知识做出媒体选择,帮助他们满足自己的特定需求。


In the 1940s, as scholars began to study why people chose to consume various forms of media, use and satisfaction were first introduced. In the next few decades, research on usage and satisfaction focused on the satisfaction that media users seek. Then, in the 1970s, researchers turned their attention to the results of media use and the social and psychological needs of the media. Today, this theory is usually attributed to the work done by Jay Blumler and Elihu Katz in 1974. As media technology continues to grow, research on the use and satisfaction of theories is more important than ever to understand the motivations people choose to use and the satisfaction they receive from them. . The use and satisfaction theory relies on two principles regarding media users. First, it characterizes media users as active users when they choose the media they use. From this perspective, people do not use the media passively. They invest and actively participate in media choices. Second, people realize why they choose different media choices. They rely on their motivational knowledge to make media choices that help them meet their specific needs.
