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佛罗伦斯·南丁格尔和她的姐姐帕特诺普出生在一个舒适的家庭,受到了家庭教师和父亲的教育。她熟悉希腊语和拉丁语古典语言以及法语,德语和意大利语的现代语言。她还学习历史,语法和哲学。她二十岁时接受数学辅导,克服了父母的反对意见。 1837年2月7日,“Flo”听到,她后来说,上帝的声音告诉她,她有生命的使命。她花了几年的时间来寻找这个使命。这是佛罗伦斯南丁格尔说过她听到上帝之声的四次中的第一次。到1844年,南丁格尔选择了一条与她父母所期望的社交生活和婚姻不同的道路。在他们的反对意见中,她决定从事护理工作,当时这对女性来说并不是一个值得尊敬的职业。她前往普鲁士的Kaiserwerth体验德国培训计划,为女孩担任护士。然后,她短暂地去巴黎附近的慈悲姐妹医院工作。弗洛伦斯•南丁格尔于1853年成为伦敦绅士护理机构的负责人。这是一个无薪的立场。当克里米亚战争开始时,有报道称英国有关伤病员的可怕状况。弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔自愿前往土耳其,在一位家庭朋友西德尼·赫伯特(当时担任战争国务大臣)的催促下,她带着一大群女性担任护士。包括18名圣公会和罗马天主教姐妹在内的38名妇女陪同她前往战争前线。她于1854年10月21日离开英格兰,于1854年11月5日进入土耳其斯库塔里的军队医院。弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔于1854年至1856年在斯库塔里的英国军队医院接受护理工作。她建立了更多的卫生条件并订购了用品,从服装和床上用品开始。她逐渐赢得了军医,至少足以获得他们的合作。她使用伦敦时报筹集的大量资金。她很快就更多地关注管理而不是实际护理,但她继续访问病房,并将信件寄回家中,为受伤和生病的士兵提供信息。据她统治,她是晚上病房中唯一一位为她赢得“灯与夫人”称号的女性。军队医院的死亡率从她到达时的60%下降到六个月后仅为2%。弗洛伦斯南丁格尔将她的教育和对数学的兴趣应用于疾病和死亡率的统计分析,发明了饼图的使用。她与一名不太自愿的军事官僚机构和她自己的疾病与克里米亚热病作斗争,最终成为1856年3月16日陆军军队医院女护士队的总监。弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔已经是英格兰的女主角了。她回来了,虽然她积极反对公众的崇拜。她于1857年帮助成立了皇家军队健康委员会。她向委员会提供了证据并编写了自己的报告,该报告于1858年私下出版。她也参与了印度的卫生建议,尽管她是从伦敦做的。 。从1857年到她生命结束,南丁格尔病得很重。她住在伦敦,大部分都是无效的。她的病从未被发现,因此可能是有机的或心身的。有些人甚至怀疑她的病是故意的,旨在给她隐私和时间继续她的写作。她可以选择何时接待人们的访问,包括她的家人


Florence Nightingale and her sister, Patnopp, were born in a comfortable family and were educated by tutors and fathers. She is familiar with the Greek and Latin classical languages ​​as well as the modern languages ​​of French, German and Italian. She also studies history, grammar and philosophy. She received math tutoring when she was twenty, overcoming parental objections. On February 7, 1837, “Flo” heard that she later said that the voice of God told her that she had the mission of life. She spent several years looking for this mission. This is the first time in four years that Florence Nightingale said she heard the voice of God. By 1844, Nightingale chose a different path than the social life and marriage her parents expected. In their objection, she decided to take care of the work, which was not a respectable career for women. She went to Kaiserwerth in Prussia to experience the German training program and worked as a nurse for girls. Then she briefly went to work at the Compassionate Sisters Hospital near Paris. In 1853, Florence Nightingale became the head of the London Gentleman Care Agency. This is an unpaid position. When the Crimean War began, there were reports of terrible conditions in Britain about the wounded and sick. Florence Nightingale voluntarily traveled to Turkey, and with the urging of a family friend Sidney Herbert (who was then the Minister of State for War), she took a large group of women as nurses. 38 women, including 18 Anglicans and Roman Catholic sisters, accompanied her to the front line of the war. She left England on October 21, 1854, and entered the military hospital in Skutari, Turkey on November 5, 1854. Florence Nightingale received nursing work at the British Army Hospital in Skutari from 1854 to 1856. She built more hygienic conditions and ordered supplies, starting with clothing and bedding. She gradually won the medic, at least enough to get their cooperation. She used the London Times to raise a lot of money. She soon focused more on management than on actual care, but she continued to visit the ward and sent the mail home to provide information for injured and sick soldiers. According to her rule, she was the only woman in the night ward who won her title of “lights and lady”. The death rate in military hospitals fell from 60% at the time of her arrival to only 2% after six months. Florence Nightingale applied her education and interest in mathematics to the statistical analysis of disease and mortality, inventing the use of pie charts. She fought a less voluntary military bureaucracy and her own disease with the Crimean fever, and eventually became the director of the Women’s Nurses Team at the Army Military Hospital on March 16, 1856. Florence Nightingale is already the heroine of England. She is back, although she is actively opposed to the worship of the public. She helped establish the Royal Military Health Council in 1857. She provided evidence to the committee and prepared her own report, which was published privately in 1858. She also participated in India’s health advice, even though she did it from London. . From 1857 to the end of her life, Nightingale was very ill. She lives in London and most of them are ineffective. Her illness has never been discovered, so it may be organic or mental. Some people even suspect that her illness was intentional and was designed to give her privacy and time to continue her writing. She can choose when to receive people’s visits, including her family.
