
在学年期间,我工作的许多学生都挤满了课外活动,运动和要求苛刻的课程。将测试准备添加到混音中可能会进一步增加复杂程度。那么为什么不利用学生在暑假休学的时间,以便在学校恢复时,他们不会有额外的繁重工作量担心?暑期班对学生有利的原因有很多。其中最明显的就是所谓的“夏日幻灯片”。大部分学生在夏季失去了大约两个月的年级数学能力。事实上,在一项对39项研究的荟萃分析中,研究了暑假对学业成绩的影响,研究人员发现,暑假对数学和阅读能力都是不利的,而且年级的增加会导致恶化程度的增加。很多时候我和高中的大二和大三学生一起为SAT和ACT做准备。这项研究与他们的成功特别相关,因为那时他们正在学习的数学比他们在中小学所学的要先进得多。因此,在夏天忘记材料的可能性很高。然而,通过继续与导师见面,不仅学生的技能不会恶化 - 他们实际上将会提高! 美国印第安纳州论文代写:夏季辅导的好处 During the school year, many of the students I work with have jam-packed schedules replete with extracurriculars, sports, and demanding classes. Adding test prep into the mix can complicate schedules even further. So why not take advantage of the time students have off during the summer to get ahead, so that when school resumes they won't have a heavy additional workload to worry about? There are many reasons why summer classes benefit students. One of the most obvious relates to what is known as the "summer slide." Most students lose about two months of grade-level mathematical proficiency over the summer. In fact, in a meta-analysis of 39 studies that examined the effect of summer vacation on academic achievement, researchers found that summer break was detrimental for both math and reading skills, and that the amount of deterioration increased with grade-level. Many times I work with sophomores and juniors in high school to prepare for the SAT & ACT....
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