虽然出生公民身份的法律概念在法庭上经受了多年的挑战,但其自动给予无证移民子女美国公民身份的政策在公众舆论法庭上并未表现出色。 例如,皮尤研究中心2015年的一项调查发现,共有53%的共和党人,23%的民主党人和42%的美国人总体上赞成改变宪法,禁止在美国出生的儿童获得无证移民父母的公民身份。 许多与生俱来的公民身份的反对者认为,它鼓励准父母来美国生育,以提高他们获得合法居民(绿卡)身份的机会 – 这种做法通常被称为“出生旅游”。 西班牙裔美国人中心对人口普查局数据的分析,估计2008年在美国出生的430万婴儿中有340,000人是“未经授权的移民”。


Although the legal concept of birth citizenship has been challenged in court for many years, its policy of automatically granting US citizenship to undocumented immigrant children has not performed well in public opinion courts. For example, a 2015 survey by the Pew Research Center found that 53% of Republicans, 23% of Democrats, and 42% of Americans generally favor a change of constitution that prohibits children born in the United States from obtaining undocumented immigrant parents. citizenship. Opponents of many innate citizenship believe that it encourages prospective parents to come to the United States to give birth to an opportunity to gain legal status as a legal resident (green card) – a practice commonly referred to as “born travel.” The Hispanic Center analyzed data from the Census Bureau that it is estimated that 340,000 of the 4.3 million babies born in the United States in 2008 were “unauthorized immigrants”.


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