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新加披Soical science论文代写:文化人类学

自然观察涉及在正常的日常环境中观察感兴趣的对象。 有时将其称为现场工作,因为它要求研究人员进入现场(自然环境)以收集参与者的数据。 自然观察的根源可追溯到人类学和动物行为研究。 例如,文化人类学家玛格丽特·米德(Margaret Mead)使用自然观察法研究了南太平洋不同部落的日常生活。 但是,这种方法并不总是要求研究人员在这种异国环境中观察人。

新加披Soical science论文代写:文化人类学

Natural observation involves observing an object of interest in a normal daily environment. It is sometimes called field work because it requires researchers to enter the field (the natural environment) to collect data from participants. The roots of nature observation can be traced back to anthropology and animal behavior research. For example, cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead uses natural observations to study the daily lives of different tribes in the South Pacific. However, this method does not always require researchers to observe people in this exotic environment.
