Zamperini在一系列战俘营中穿梭,直到他降落在东京湾的大森。 正是在那里,一个虐待守卫,下尉Mutsuhiro Watanabe,绰号“鸟”,选择Zamperini进行特别折磨。 鸟每天都无情地击败Zamperini,经常使用带有重型黄铜扣的皮带。 只有Zamperini的奥运名声和宣传价值使得后卫不会杀死他。 但是日本正在输掉战争,盟军正在关闭。渡边每天都变得更加残忍,而Zamperini想知道他是否能够在解放前坚持下去。 突然,鸟被转移了出去。 随着美国轰炸的加剧,1945年3月,Zamperini和其他囚犯被送往日本西海岸Naoetsu村的4B营地。 Zamperini惊恐地发现Watanabe在同一个营地。 第二次世界大战结束于1945年8月美国在广岛和长崎投下原子弹。当Naoetsu战俘营解放时,The Bird已经消失。


Zamperini shuttled through a series of prisoners of war camp until he landed in Omori, Tokyo Bay. It was there, a ill-guard, squatting Mutsuhiro Watanabe, nicknamed “Bird”, chose Zamperini for special torture. The bird beats Zamperini mercilessly every day, often using a belt with a heavy-duty brass buckle. Only Zamperini’s Olympic reputation and propaganda value make the defender not kill him. But Japan is losing the war and the Allies are closing. Watanabe becomes more cruel every day, and Zamperini wants to know if he can persist before liberation. Suddenly, the bird was transferred out. As the US bombing intensified, in March 1945, Zamperini and other prisoners were taken to Camp 4B in Naoetsu Village on the west coast of Japan. Zamperini was horrified to find Watanabe in the same camp. The Second World War ended in August 1945 when the United States dropped atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. When the Naoetsu POW camp was liberated, The Bird had disappeared.


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