
1832年12月10日,安德鲁·杰克逊总统通过发布“南卡罗来纳州人民宣言”作出回应,要求国家遵守至上条款并威胁要派联邦军队执行关税。在国会通过一项降低南部州关税的折衷法案之后,南卡罗来纳州立法机构于1832年3月15日废除了其无效条例。虽然它使杰克逊总统成为民族主义者的英雄,但所谓的1832年的无效危机加强了这一增长。南方人认为,只要他们的国家仍然是工会的一部分,他们将继续容易受到北方多数人的影响。在接下来的三十年里,关于国家权利的主要战争从经济转向奴隶制。南部各州的农业经济主要依靠奴隶劳动,是否有权无视废除奴隶制的联邦法律维持奴隶贸易?到1860年,这个问题,以及反奴隶制总统亚伯拉罕·林肯的选举,驱使11个南方各州脱离联盟。虽然分离不是为了建立一个独立的国家,但林肯认为这是违反最高权利条款和联邦法律的叛国行为。 新加坡法律学Assignment代写:废除奴隶制 On December 10, 1832, President Andrew Jackson responded by issuing the "South Carolina People's Declaration", demanding that the state comply with the supreme terms and threaten to send federal troops to enforce tariffs. After Congress passed a compromise bill to reduce tariffs in the southern states, the South Carolina Legislature abolished its invalidation regulations on March 15, 1832. Although it made President Jackson a nationalist hero, the so-called 1832 ineffective crisis strengthened this growth. Southerners believe that as long as their country is still part of the union, they will continue to be vulnerable to the influence of the majority of the North. Over the next three decades, the main war on state rights shifted from the economy to slavery. The agricultural economy in the southern states relies mainly on slave labor. Does it have the right to disregard the federal law on the abolition of slavery to maintain the slave trade? By 1860, this issue, as well as the...
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