编程语言中区分大小写值的“案例”在程序员之间争论不休,有时候几乎具有宗教热情。有些人认为区分大小写是确保清晰度和准确性的必要条件 – 例如,波兰语(波兰国籍)和波兰语(如鞋油)之间,SAP(系统应用产品的首字母缩略词)和SAP如在树汁中),或希望和感觉希望这两个名称之间。进一步的观点是,编译器不应该试图预测用户的意图,而应该像输入一样准确地输入字符串和字符,以避免不必要的混淆和引入错误。其他人则认为不要区分大小写,理由是它很难合作,而且更容易导致错误,同时收益甚微。有些人认为区分大小写的语言会对生产力产生负面影响,迫使程序员花费数不清的时间来调试结果与“LogOn”和“登录”之间的区别一样简单的问题。陪审团仍然在区分大小写的价值上,可能能够通过最终判断。但现在,区分大小写仍然留在Java中。

新加坡共和理工学院IT Essay代写:Java 区分大小写

The “case” for the value of case sensitivity in a programming language is debated among programmers, sometimes with an almost religious fervor. Some argue that case sensitivity is necessary to ensure clarity and accuracy — for example, there is a difference between Polish (being of Polish nationality) and polish (as in shoe polish), between SAP (an acronym for System Applications Products) and sap (as in tree sap), or between the name Hope and the feeling hope. Further, the argument goes, a compiler should not try to second-guess the intent of the user and should rather take strings and characters exactly as entered, to avoid unnecessary confusion and introduced errors. Others argue against case sensitivity, citing that it is harder to work with and more likely to result in mistakes while providing little gain. Some argue that case-sensitive languages negatively impact productivity, forcing programmers to spend untold hours debugging issues that end up as simple as the difference between “LogOn” and ” logon.”The jury is still out on the value of case-sensitivity and it may be able to pass final judgment. But for now, case sensitivity is here to stay in Java.


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