2016年10月19日,应该是欧洲航天局ExoMars任务科学团队令人兴奋的火星登陆。他们多年来一直致力于组装轨道飞行器和入口,下降和着陆演示模块(EDM)探测器,并在同年3月将其发射到红色星球。 EDM触地得分是一种技术演示,应该展示未来任务的新技术,同时在一个名为Meridiani Planum的大型平原上获取数据并发回火星表面的图像。着名的意大利科学家乔瓦尼·施帕帕雷利(Giovanni Schiaparelli)在19世纪后期研究火星之后,登陆者被命名为Schiaparelli。他最着名的是他对地球表面特征的描述,他称之为“canale”,意为“线条”。这被误译为“运河”,导致像Percival Lowell这样的观察者认为它们是由智慧生物建造的。从那时起,人们常常梦见火星人,但最近的探索表明火星是一个干燥,尘土飞扬,显然没有生命的地方。着陆器装满了仪器,并设置为通过机器人控制下降到地面。不幸的是,由于最后一秒的问题,它崩溃到地面,使这部分任务停止。 ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter完美运行,并于2017年开始研究火星大气层


October 19, 2016, was supposed to be an exciting Mars landing for the European Space Agency’s ExoMars mission science team. They had worked for years to put together an orbiting spacecraft and an entry, descent, and landing demonstrator module (EDM) probe and launched it to the Red Planet in March of the same year. The EDM touchdown was a technology demonstrator that was supposed to show off new technology for future missions while at the same time taking data and sending back images of the Martian surface at a large, flat plain called Meridiani Planum. The lander was named Schiaparelli, after the famed Italian scientist Giovanni Schiaparelli who studied Mars in the late 1800s. He is most famous for his description of surface features on the planet which he called “canale,” meaning “lines.” That was mistranslated as “canals” which led such observers as Percival Lowell to assume they were built by intelligent beings. Since that time, people often dreamed of Martians, but more recent explorations show Mars to be a dry, dusty, and apparently lifeless, place. The lander was laden with instruments and set up to do a robotically controlled descent to the surface. Unfortunately, due to a rash of last-second problems, it crashed to the surface, bringing that part of the mission to a halt. The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter worked perfectly and began its study of the Martian atmosphere in 2017.


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