提供愉快的客户体验对任何公司都很重要。但这对于豪华汽车制造商来说尤为重要。客户希望客户的旅程与汽车本身的驾驶一样顺畅和愉快。这就是梅赛德斯 – 奔驰决定采取行动的原因。这家德国豪华汽车制造商的在线业务脱节了。客户浏览了三个断开连接的网络资产:以产品为中心的网站,在线客户门户以及以品牌和生活方式为中心的网站。这三个站点都受到不同传统平台的支持,无法共享用户或客户数据。因此,如果客户访问了产品站点,然后跳转到客户门户,则没有经验的连续性。 Mercedes-Benz.io的首席架构师Thomas Seibert在SpringOne平台上发言说:“客户的行为并不清楚,因为它们是分开的。” “这是一个明显破碎的客户旅程,最重要的是我们没有获得任何关于客户或他们的意图的一致知识。”但那时候。今天,梅赛德斯 – 奔驰每周多次部署新软件。其客户之旅由单一的云原生平台支持。该公司计划向全球客户推出数十种新服务和应用程序。这就是它到达那里的方式。


Providing an enjoyable customer experience is important for any company. But it’s especially important for luxury car makers. Customers expect the customer journey to be as smooth and pleasant as a drive in the car itself. That’s why Mercedes-Benz decided to act. The German luxury auto-maker’s online presence was disjointed. Customers navigated through three disconnected web properties: a product focused website, an online customer portal, and a brand and lifestyle-focused site. All three sites were supported by different legacy platforms and couldn’t share user or customer data. So if a customer visited the product site, then jumped to the customer portal, there was no continuity of experience. “The behavior of the customer was not clear to each of those sites because they were separate,” said Thomas Seibert, lead architect at Mercedes-Benz.io, speaking at SpringOne Platform. “It was a clearly broken customer journey and on top of that we didn’t gain any coherent knowledge of the customer or their intentions.” But that was then. Today, Mercedes-Benz deploys new software several times a week. Its customer journey is supported by a single, cloud-native platform. And the company has plans to roll out dozens of new services and applications to customers around the world. This is how it got there.


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