由于“宪法”只规定必须有首席大法官,因此总统在征得参议院同意的情况下任命的做法完全基于传统。 “宪法”并未明确禁止使用其他方法,只要首席大法官是从其他常任法官中选出的。国会规定的美国首席大法官目前的(2018年)年薪为267,000美元,略高于联合法官的255,300美元薪金。像所有联邦法官一样,首席大法官由美国总统提名,必须得到参议院的确认。首席大法官的任期由“宪法”第3条第1款规定,其中规定所有联邦法官“应在良好行为中担任职务”,这意味着首席法官终身服务,除非他们死亡,通过弹劾程序辞职或被免职。作为主要职责,首席大法官在最高法院面前主持口头辩论,并确定法院会议的议程。在最高法院裁决的案件中以多数票进行表决时,首席大法官可以选择撰写法院的意见或将任务分配给其中一名副法官。


Since the Constitution only stipulates that there must be a Chief Justice, the president’s appointment with the consent of the Senate is entirely based on tradition. The Constitution does not explicitly prohibit the use of other methods, as long as the Chief Justice is elected from among other permanent judges. The current US Congress Chief Justice (2018), which is stipulated by Congress, has an annual salary of $267,000, which is slightly higher than the United Judge’s salary of $255,300. Like all federal judges, the Chief Justice is nominated by the US President and must be confirmed by the Senate. The term of office of the Chief Justice is set out in Article 3, paragraph 1, of the Constitution, which stipulates that all federal judges “should be held in good conduct”, which means that the Chief Justice will serve for life unless they die, resign or be resigned through impeachment procedures. Dismissal. As a primary responsibility, the Chief Justice presided over oral arguments before the Supreme Court and determined the agenda for the Court Meeting. When a majority vote is taken in a case decided by the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice may choose to write the opinion of the court or assign the task to one of the deputy judges.


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