每个学生的学习方式都不同有些学生喜欢使用图片或图片的视觉学习者;有些学生是身体或动觉,他们更喜欢使用自己的身体和触觉。这意味着教师必须尝试解决学生的各种学习方式,实现这一目标的一种方法是通过灵活分组。灵活分组使教师有机会在课堂上组织协作和合作活动。在创建灵活的小组时,教师可以使用测试结果,学生的课堂表现,和/或对学生技能组的个性化评估,以确定学生应该被安排到的小组。教师可以按能力水平对学生进行分组。能力水平通常分为三个级别(低于熟练程度,接近熟练程度)或四级(补救,接近熟练程度,熟练程度,目标)四个级别。按能力水平组织学生是一种基于熟练程度的学习形式,这在小学阶段更为常见。熟练程度与基于标准的评分相关,评级是一种在中学阶段增长的评估形式。灵活的分组是“基于主题领域和/或任务类型,在课堂上以及以各种方式与其他课程相结合的学生的有目的和战略性的分组/重组。”灵活的分组用于中学和高中,7 – 12年级,以帮助区分学生的教学。如果需要按能力对学生进行分组,教师可以将学生组织成异质组,将不同能力的学生混合在一起,或者根据高,中或低学业成绩将学生分成不同组。同质分组更常用于提高学生的特定技能或衡量学生的理解。将学生分组以及类似的需求是教师可以针对某些学生的共同特定需求的一种方式。通过针对学生需要的帮助,教师可以为大多数补救学生创建弹性组,同时还为更高成就的学生组织弹性组。但是,作为一种警告,教育工作者应该认识到,当在课堂上一致地使用同质分组时,这种做法与跟踪学生类似。跟踪被定义为学生通过学术能力持续分离所有科目或学校内某些班级的群体。由于研究表明跟踪对学术成长有负面影响,因此不鼓励这种做法。跟踪定义中的关键词是“持续”一词,与弹性分组的目的形成对比。由于围绕特定任务组织了组,因此Flex分组不会持续。如果需要组织社交团体,教师可以通过绘画或抽奖创建团体。群体可以通过成对自发地创建。再一次,学生的学习风格也是一个重要的考虑因素。要求学生参与组织弹性组(“您希望如何学习这些材料?”)可以提高学生的参与度和动力。


Every student learns differently. Some students are visual learners who prefer using pictures or images; some students are physical or kinesthetic who prefer using their bodies and sense of touch. This means that teachers must try to address the variety of learning styles of their students, and one way to achieve this is through flexible-grouping. Flex-grouping allows teachers the opportunity to organize collaborative and cooperative activities in the classroom. In creating flexible groups teachers may use test results, student in-class performance, and/or an individualized evaluation of a student’s set of skills in order to determine the group into which a student should be placed. Teachers can group students by levels of ability. Ability levels are usually organized in three (below proficiency, approaching proficiency) or four (remedial, approaching proficiency, proficiency,goal) four levels. Organizing students by ability levels is a form of proficiency based learning which is more common in the elementary grades. Proficiency levels are tied to standards based grading, a form of assessment that is growing at the secondary level. Flexible grouping is the “purposeful and strategic grouping/regrouping of students within the classroom and in combination with other classes in various ways based on the subject area and/or type of task.” Flexible grouping is used in middle and high school, grades 7-12, to help differentiate instruction for students. If there is a need to group students by ability, teachers can organize students into heterogeneous grouping mixing students with different abilities or into homogenous groups with students in separate groups based on high, medium, or low academic achievement. Homogeneous grouping is more often used for improving specific student skills or measuring student understanding. The grouping of students together with similar needs is one way a teacher can target specific needs certain students have in common. By targeting the help a student needs, a teacher can create flex groups for the most remedial students while also organizing flex groups for higher achieving students. As a caution, however, educators should recognize that when homogeneous grouping is used consistently in the classroom, the practice is similar to tracking students. Tracking is defined as a sustained separation of students by academic ability into groups for all subjects or for certain classes within a school. This practice is discouraged as research shows that tracking has a negative impact on academic growth. The key word in the definition of tracking is the word “sustained” which contrasts with the purpose of flex grouping. Flex grouping is not sustained as the groups are organized around a particular task. Should there be a need to organize groups for socialization, teachers can create groups through a drawing or lottery. Groups can be spontaneously created through pairs. Once again, student learning style is an important consideration as well. Asking students to participate in organizing the flex groups (“How would you like to learn this material?”) may increase student engagement and motivation.


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