女性是否认为自己能够在电视和电影,广告,印刷和广播新闻中得到准确反映?大多数人会说他们没有,但它正在改善。也许这是因为只有一小部分媒体决策者 – 那些有足够影响力确定内容的人 – 是女性。如果你想从女性的角度找到关于女性问题的新闻,你可以找到一些出路。传统网点在处理偏见方面越来越好,尽管一些女性拥护者认为这仍然不够。媒体成员经常成为头条新闻。 Rush Limbaugh臭名昭着地发表了许多关于女性的评论,很多人都发现这些评论具有煽动性和贬义性。 ESPN的Erin Andrews是2008年着名的“窥视孔”事件的受害者。而在2016年和17年,福克斯新闻一直受到广播公司领导人性骚扰指控的困扰。除了新闻媒体,一些女性也发现其他类型的节目问题。例如,电视上的少女怀孕表明他们是在赞美问题还是帮助禁欲。在其他情况下,节目可能不敏感地处理女性身体图像问题,例如体重。老年妇女也可能以负面的方式被描绘,在某些情况下,她们在媒体上失去工作,因为她们不再“年轻”。为什么女性每赚一美元,她的收入只有80美分?主要原因是,这是由于工作场所的性别偏见,这是一个影响每个人的问题。报告显示,男女之间的薪酬差距正在缩小。在20世纪60年代,美国女性平均只有60%的男性同事。到2015年,全国平均增幅达到80%,尽管有些州尚未达到这一标准。薪酬差距的大部分减少归功于寻求更高就业水平的女性。如今,越来越多的女性进入科学和技术领域,成为商业和工业领域的领导者。还有一些职业女性比男性做得更多。工作场所的不平等超出了我们赚多少钱。性虐待和性骚扰仍然是职业女性的热门话题。 1964年“民权法案”第七章旨在防止就业歧视,但它并不能保护每一位妇女,案件难以证明。高等教育是另一个性别和种族偏见仍然存在的场所。 2014年的一项研究表明,在大学层面,即使是善意的学术专业人士也可以表现出对白人的偏好。


Do women see themselves accurately reflected on television and film, in advertising, and in print and broadcast news? Most would say that they don’t, but that it is improving. Maybe that’s because only a small percentage of media decision-makers—those with enough clout to determine content—are female. If you want to find news about women’s issues and from a female perspective, there are a handful of outlets you can turn to. Traditional outlets are getting better at handling bias, though some women’s advocates feel that it is still not enough. The members of the media often become the headlines themselves. Rush Limbaugh infamously has had a number of comments about women which many people have found inflammatory and derogatory. ESPN’s Erin Andrews was the victim of a famous “peephole” incident in 2008. And in 2016 and 17, Fox News was plagued with sexual harassment allegations against leaders in the broadcast company. Beyond the news media, some women also find issue with other types of programming. For example, teen pregnancy shows on television raise the question of whether they are glorifying the issue or helping with abstinence. In other instances, shows may insensitively handle female body image issues such as weight. Older women can also be portrayed in negative ways and, in some cases, lose their jobs in media because they’re no longer “young enough.” Why do women still earn only 80 cents for every dollar men earn? The primary reason is that it’s due to gender bias in the workplace and this is an issue that affects everyone. Reports do show that the pay gap between men and women is improving. In the 1960s, American women made just 60 percent on average as their male colleagues. By 2015, that had increased to an 80 percent average nationwide, though some states are not yet near that mark. Much of this decrease in the pay gap is attributed to women seeking higher levels of employment. Today, more women are entering fields in science and technology and becoming leaders in business and industry. There are also a number of careers in which women do make more than men. Inequality in the workplace extends beyond how much money we make. Sexual discrimination and harassment remain hot topics for working women. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act is designed to protect against employment discrimination, but it does not protect every woman and cases can be difficult to prove. Higher education is another venue in which gender and race bias remain a factor. A 2014 study suggests that on the university level, even well-intentioned academic professionals can demonstrate a preference toward white men.


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