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迈斯纳效应是量子物理学中的一种现象,其中超导体抵消了超导材料内部的所有磁场。它通过沿超导体表面产生小电流来实现这一点,其具有抵消将与材料接触的所有磁场的效果。迈斯纳效应最有趣的一个方面是它允许一个被称为量子悬浮的过程。 Meissner效应于1933年由德国物理学家Walther Meissner和Robert Ochsenfeld发现。他们测量了某些材料周围的磁场强度,发现当材料冷却到它们变成超导的程度时,磁场强度下降到接近零。其原因在于,在超导体中,电子能够在几乎没有电阻的情况下流动。这使得在材料表面上形成小电流非常容易。当磁场靠近表面时,它会使电子开始流动。然后在材料表面上产生小电流,并且这些电流具有抵消磁场的作用。


The Meissner effect is a phenomenon in quantum physics in which a superconductor negates all magnetic fields inside of the superconducting material. It does this by creating small currents along the surface of the superconductor, which has the effect of canceling out all magnetic fields that would come in contact with the material. One of the most intriguing aspects of the Meissner effect is that it allows for a process that has come to be called quantum levitation. The Meissner effect was discovered in 1933 by German physicists Walther Meissner and Robert Ochsenfeld. They were measuring the magnetic field intensity surrounding certain materials and found that, when the materials were cooled to the point that they became superconducting, the magnetic field intensity dropped to nearly zero. The reason for this is that in a superconductor, electrons are able to flow with virtually no resistance. This makes it very easy for small currents to form on the surface of the material. When the magnetic field comes near to the surface, it causes the electrons to begin flowing. Small currents are then created on the surface of the material, and these currents have the effect of canceling out the magnetic field.
