出生盲:一个从未见过视力的人看不见。出生为盲人的塞缪尔(Samuel)告诉ThoughtCo,说盲人看到黑色是不正确的,因为该人通常没有其他可比的视觉感觉。他说:“这只是虚无。”对于有视力的人,这样想起来会有所帮助:闭上一只眼睛,用睁开的眼睛专注于某件事。闭眼看到什么?没有。另一个类比是将盲人的视力与您的肘部视力进行比较。完全失明:失去视力的人会有不同的经历。有些人描述看到完全黑暗,就像在山洞里一样。有些人看到火花或经历生动的视觉幻觉,这些幻觉可以采取可识别的形状,随机形状,颜色或闪光的形式。 “视觉”是查尔斯·邦内综合症(CBS)的标志。 CBS本质上可能是持久的或短暂的。它不是精神疾病,并且与脑损伤无关。


Birth blindness: A person who has never seen vision is invisible. Samuel, who was born blind, told ThoughtCo that it is not correct for blind people to see black because the person usually has no other visual sense. He said: “This is nothing but nothing.” For people with vision, it would be helpful to think of it: close one eye and focus on something with open eyes. What do you see with your eyes closed? No. Another analogy is to compare the vision of a blind person to your elbow vision. Total blindness: People who lose sight will have different experiences. Some people describe seeing complete darkness, just like in a cave. Some people see sparks or experience vivid visual illusions that can take the form of recognizable shapes, random shapes, colors or flashes. “Vision” is the hallmark of Charles Bonnet Syndrome (CBS). CBS may be persistent or short-lived in nature. It is not a mental illness and has nothing to do with brain damage.


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