丹尼尔埃尔斯伯格曾是美国军方和越南战争对手的前分析师。在他向记者泄露了一份名为“五角大楼文件”的越南战争的秘密报告后,他的名字成为美国宪法第一修正案授予的新闻自由的重要性的代名词。埃尔斯贝格作为举报人的工作帮助揭露了“纽约时报”,“华盛顿邮报”和其他十几家报纸的政府战争策略的失败,以及好莱坞在“邮报”,“五角大楼”等电影中的戏剧化。 “和”美国最危险的人。“埃尔斯伯格泄露五角大楼文件有助于巩固公众对越南战争的反对,并使国会议员反对冲突。 “纽约时报”,“华盛顿邮报”和其他报纸刊登的这些文件有助于为美国历史上的新闻自由辩护做出最重要的法律决定。当理查德·尼克松总统的政府试图阻止“泰晤士报”报道五角大楼文件时,该报反击。美国最高法院后来确定,报纸的行为符合公共利益,并限制政府在出版之前使用“先前限制”来审查故事。写了最高法院的多数:“只有自由奔放的媒体才能有效地揭露政府中的欺骗行为。 ……在揭露导致越南战争的政府运作方面,报纸高尚地做了创始人所希望和相信他们会做的事情。“关于州长宣称出版会威胁国家安全的判决,法院指出:” “安全”这个词是一个广泛的,含糊不清的一般性,其轮廓不应该用来废除第一修正案中体现的基本法。“埃尔斯伯格是三本书的作者,包括2002年关于揭露五角大楼文件的工作回忆录”秘密:越南回忆录和五角大楼论文。“他还在2017年的一本书”世界末日机器:核战争计划者的自白“中撰写了有关美国核计划的文章,并在1971年出版了关于越南战争的论文”关于战争的论文。


Daniel Elsberg was a former analyst with the US military and Vietnam war opponents. After he revealed to the reporter a secret report of the Vietnam War called “Pentagon Document”, his name became synonymous with the importance of freedom of the press granted by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Elsberg’s work as a whistleblower helped expose the failure of the “New York Times”, the “Washington Post” and other dozens of newspapers’ government war strategies, and Hollywood’s films in the Post, the Pentagon. Dramatic. “And” the most dangerous person in the United States. “Elsberg’s leaking of Pentagon documents helps to consolidate public opposition to the Vietnam War and to allow members of Congress to oppose the conflict. The documents published in the “New York Times”, “Washington Post” and other newspapers contribute to American history. The press freedom defense made the most important legal decision. When President Richard Nixon’s government tried to prevent the “Times” from reporting the Pentagon’s documents, the newspaper countered. The US Supreme Court later determined that the newspaper’s conduct was in the public interest. And limit the government to use the “previous restrictions” to review the story before publishing. Write a majority of the Supreme Court: “Only free and unrestrained media can effectively expose fraud in the government. … In exposing the operation of the government that led to the Vietnam War, the newspapers noblely made what the founders hoped and believed they would do. “With regard to the judgment that the governor declared that publication would threaten national security, the court stated: “The word “security” is a broad, ambiguous generality whose outline should not be used to abolish the basic law embodied in the First Amendment. “Elsberg is the author of three books, including a 2002 memoir of the work of exposing the Pentagon documents.” Secrets: Vietnamese Memoirs and Pentagon Papers. “He is also in a book in 2017, The Doomsday Machine: The Confessions of Nuclear War Planners, “Written an article about the US nuclear program, and published a paper on the Vietnam War in 1971,” a paper on war. ”



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