约翰尼·提尔蒙(Johnnie Tillmon)的文章“福利是妇女问题”印在1972年出版的第一期《女士》杂志上。正如她在《福利是妇女问题》中描述的那样,约翰尼·蒂尔蒙是一个贫穷,黑人,肥胖,中等, 她说,一名中年妇女享有福利,这使她在美国社会中的地位不如人类。 她曾在阿肯色州和加利福尼亚州生活,在病倒之前不能在洗衣店里工作近20年。 她以每月363美元/月的价格将6个孩子从“援助”中抚养给有抚养子女的家庭(AFDC)。 她说她已经成为一个统计数据。


Johnnie Tillmon’s article “Welfare is a woman’s problem” was printed in the first issue of “Ms.” magazine, published in 1972. As she described in The Welfare is Women’s Issue, Johnny Tilmon is a poor, black, obese, medium, she said that a middle-aged woman enjoys welfare, which gives her a place in American society. Not as good as humans. She lived in Arkansas and California and could not work in the laundry for nearly 20 years before she fell ill. She raised six children from “assistance” to families with dependent children (AFDC) at a price of $363 per month per month. She said she has become a statistic.


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