midden(或厨房midden)是垃圾或垃圾堆的考古术语。 Middens是一种考古特征,由深色土和浓缩文物的局部斑块组成,这些碎片是故意丢弃垃圾,食物残渣和家用材料,如破碎和疲惫的工具和陶器。人类生活或生活的地方都到处都是沉淀物,考古学家喜欢它们。厨房midden这个名字来自丹麦语køkkenmødding(厨房土墩),最初专门提到丹麦沿海的中石器时代的土墩。贝壳沙丘主要由软体动物的贝壳组成,是19世纪考古学开创性研究中首批非建筑特征之一。 “midden”这个名字因这些信息丰富的存款而被困,现在全球范围内用它来指代各种垃圾堆。 Middens过去有多种用途,但仍然有。在最基本的地方,middens是放置垃圾的地方,不受正常交通的影响,远离正常的视觉和嗅觉。但它们也是可回收物品的储存设施;它们可以用于人类埋葬;它们可以用于建筑材料;它们可以用来喂养动物,它们可以成为仪式行为的焦点。一些有机中间体充当堆肥堆,改善了一个地区的土壤。 Susan Cook-Patton及其同事对美国大西洋沿岸的切萨皮克湾贝壳沙丘进行了一项研究,发现中间层的存在显着增强了当地的土壤养分,尤其是氮,钙,钾和锰,并增加了土壤的碱度。这些积极的改善至少持续了3000年。
Midden (or kitchen midden) is an archaeological term for rubbish or rubbish. Middens is an archaeological feature consisting of local patches of dark soil and concentrated artifacts that deliberately discard litter, food debris and household materials such as broken and worn tools and pottery. The places where human beings live or live are full of sediments, and archaeologists like them. The name of the kitchen midden comes from the Danish køkkenmødding (kitchen mound), which originally referred to the Middle Stone Age mounds along the Danish coast. The shell dunes are mainly composed of mollusk shells and are one of the first non-architectural features in the 19th century archaeological pioneering research. The name "midden" was trapped by these informative deposits and is now used worldwide to refer to various dumps. Middens used to have multiple uses in the past, but still there. In the most basic places, middens is the place to place garbage, not affected...