Mischel及其同事之间的关系发现,儿童时期的延迟满足和未来的学业成就引起了极大的关注。结果,棉花糖测试成为历史上最着名的心理学实验之一。然而,最近的研究使用了棉花糖测试的基本范例来确定Mischel的研究结果在不同情况下如何得以保持。 2013年,Celeste Kidd,Holly Palmeri和Richard Aslin发表了一项研究,为延迟满足是儿童自我控制水平的结果增添了新的皱纹。在这项研究中,每个孩子都准备相信环境要么可靠,要么不可靠。在这两种情况下,在进行棉花糖测试之前,儿童参与者被给予了一个艺术项目。在不可靠的情况下,孩子被提供了一套用过的蜡笔,并告诉他们,如果他们等待,研究人员会给他们一个更大,更新的套装。两分半钟后,研究人员将空手而归。然后,研究人员将用一组贴纸重复这一系列事件。处于可靠状态的孩子经历了相同的设置,但在这种情况下,研究人员带着承诺的艺术品回来。


The relationship between Mischel and his colleagues found that delays in childhood and future academic achievement have caused great concern. As a result, the test of cotton candy has become one of the most famous psychological experiments in history. However, recent research has used a basic paradigm of cotton candy testing to determine how Mischel’s findings can be maintained in different situations. In 2013, Celeste Kidd, Holly Palmeri and Richard Aslin published a study that added new wrinkles to the results of delayed self-control. In this study, each child is prepared to believe that the environment is either reliable or unreliable. In both cases, the child participant was given an art project before the marshmallow test. In the unreliable case, the child was provided with a set of used crayons and told them that if they waited, the researchers would give them a larger, updated suit. After two and a half minutes, the researchers will return empty-handed. The researchers will then repeat this series of events with a set of stickers. The child in a reliable state experienced the same setup, but in this case, the researchers came back with the promised artwork.


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