通常,助理校长必须至少持有硕士学位以及州特定认证。大多数州都需要教学经验。有效的助理校长具有许多相同的特征,包括:强大的组织能力。助理校长经常需要处理一些高优先级的任务,这些任务需要组织才能获得成功。注重细节。从跟踪学校日历到评估教师,助理校长发现对细节的关注是必要的要求。渴望帮助学生取得成功。虽然许多人认为助理校长是行政人员的学科部门,但他们的主要目标应该是帮助学生发挥最大潜力。诚信。助理校长每天处理敏感信息。因此,他们必须诚实和谨慎。外交。助理校长经常要处理学生,家长和老师之间的激烈情况。对于解决困难问题,策略和外交可以走很长的路。有效的沟通者。助理校长可能经常是日常运作中的“学校之声”。他们需要精通不同媒体平台(音频,视频,电子邮件)的使用。熟悉技术。助理校长可能需要使用多个软件平台,如PowerSchool学生信息系统或管理员附加或Blackboard Collaborate,以获得出勤/成绩; SMART符合机构要求;课程的学术或课程;前线洞察评估平台,活跃和可见的愿望。学生和老师需要看到助理校长参与学校,以便他们具有使其他人想要听取他们的权力类型。以下是一些简单的想法,可以帮助助理校长改善关系,促进积极的学校文化:让人们了解教师:了解教师是有家庭和关注的人是很重要的。关心他们可以帮助改善合作,让他们对自己的工作有更积极的看法。参与:注意谁是最积极参与和最少参与的教师和学生。认可并支持最积极参与的努力,并寻求激励最少参与者的方法。提供参加课程或带学生半小时的迷你课程。尊重教师时间:避免设置长时间的会议,这会给教师节带来压力。给老师时间的礼物。庆祝成功:认识到教师的努力以及这些努力如何转化为成功。公开承认学校正在发生的事情。鼓励教师和学生激励他们。


Typically, the assistant principal must hold at least a master’s degree as well as a state-specific certification. Most states require teaching experience. Effective assistant principals have many of the same characteristics, including: strong organizational skills. Assistant principals often need to deal with high-priority tasks that require an organization to succeed. Attention to detail. From tracking the school calendar to evaluating the teacher, the assistant principal found that attention to detail was a necessary requirement. Desire to help students succeed. Although many people think that the assistant principal is the subject of the executive, their main goal should be to help students reach their full potential. Integrity. The assistant principal handles sensitive information every day. Therefore, they must be honest and cautious. diplomatic. Assistant principals often have to deal with the intense situation between students, parents and teachers. Strategy and diplomacy can go a long way in solving difficult problems. Effective communicator. The assistant principal may often be the “voice of the school” in daily operations. They need to be proficient in the use of different media platforms (audio, video, email). Familiar with technology. The assistant principal may need to use multiple software platforms, such as PowerSchool Student Information System or Administrator Attachment or Blackboard Collaborate, to obtain attendance/scores; SMART meets institutional requirements; course academics or courses; frontline insight assessment platform, active and visible wishes . Students and teachers need to see the assistant principals participate in the school so that they have the type of power that others want to hear from them. Here are some simple ideas that can help assistant principals improve relationships and promote a positive school culture: Let people know about teachers: It is important to understand that teachers are families and people who care. Caring for them can help improve cooperation and give them a more positive view of their work. Participation: Pay attention to who is the most active and least involved teacher and student. Recognize and support the most active engagement efforts and seek ways to motivate the least participants. Offer a mini-course for a course or a half-hour with students. Respect for teacher time: Avoid setting up long meetings, which will put pressure on Teacher’s Day. A gift for the teacher’s time. Celebrate success: Recognize the efforts of teachers and how these efforts translate into success. Publicly acknowledge what is happening in the school. Encourage teachers and students to motivate them.


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