古斯塔夫·科辛纳[1858-1931](有时拼写为古斯塔夫)是德国考古学家和民族历史学家,被广泛认为是考古团体和纳粹海因里希·希姆勒的工具,尽管科辛纳在希特勒上台期间去世。但这并不是全部。 在柏林大学受过语言学家和语言学家的教育,科辛纳后来皈依了史前,是库尔特克里斯运动的热心支持者和推动者,库尔特克里斯运动是特定地区文化史的明确定义。他也是北欧思想的支持者,可以粗略地概括为“真正的德国人是纯正的、原始的北欧种族和文化的后裔,一个必须完成其历史命运的被选择的种族;任何人都不应该被允许进入”。根据海因茨·格鲁纳特(Heinz Grünert)最近的一本传记(2002),科辛纳在其整个职业生涯中对古德语感兴趣,尽管他最初是作为一名语言学家和历史学家。他的主要老师是卡尔·马伦霍夫,柏林大学德国语言学教授,专攻日耳曼史前史。1894年,36岁的科辛纳决定转而从事史前考古学,他在1895年卡塞尔的一次会议上作了关于考古学史的讲座,把自己介绍到这个领域。Kossinna认为考古学只有四个合法的研究领域:日耳曼部落的历史、日耳曼民族的起源和神话般的印日家园、对东西日耳曼语族群的文献学划分的考古学验证,以及德国和凯尔特部落之间的联系。纳粹政权的开始,缩小了这一领域已经成为现实。科辛纳的哲学倾向与库尔图克里斯理论相契合,库尔图克里斯理论在物质文化的基础上把地理区域与特定的民族联系起来,为纳粹德国的扩张主义政策提供了理论支持。Kossinna对考古材料建立了无可争辩的巨大知识,部分原因是通过刻苦地在几个欧洲国家的博物馆中记录史前文物。他最著名的作品是1921德国史前史:一门卓越的民族学科。他最臭名昭著的作品是一战结束时出版的一本小册子,就在波兰新州从德国奥斯特马克雕刻出来之后。在这篇文章中,Kossinna指出,在维斯图拉河附近的波兰遗址发现的波美拉尼亚脸盆是日耳曼民族的传统,因此波兰理所当然地属于德国。


Gustav Kosina [1858-1931] (sometimes spelled Gustav) is a German archaeologist and national historian, widely regarded as a tool of archaeological groups and Nazi Heinrich Himmler, although he died during Hitler’s rise to power. But that’s not all. Educated by linguists and linguists at the University of Berlin, Kosina later converted to prehistoric times and was an enthusiastic supporter and promoter of the Kurtkris movement, which was a clear definition of the cultural history of a particular region. He is also a supporter of Nordic thought, which can be roughly summarized as “a genuine German is the descendant of pure, primitive Nordic race and culture, a chosen race that must fulfill its historical destiny; no one should be allowed to enter”. According to Heinz Gr nert’s latest biography (2002), Kosina has been interested in Old German throughout his career, although he was originally a linguist and historian. His main teacher is Karl Malenhoff, professor of German linguistics at the University of Berlin, who specializes in Germanic prehistory. In 1894, the 36-year-old decided to switch to prehistoric archaeology. He introduced himself to this field by giving a lecture on the history of Archaeology at a conference in Cassell in 1895. Kossinna believes that archaeology has only four legitimate fields of study: the history of Germanic tribes, the origin of Germanic peoples and their mythical Indo-Japanese homeland, archaeological verification of the bibliographic division of East and West Germanic communities, and the links between German and Celtic tribes. The beginning of the Nazi regime has narrowed this area down to reality. Kosina’s philosophical tendencies coincide with Kurtukris’s theory, which links geographical areas with specific ethnic groups on the basis of material culture, and provides theoretical support for Nazi Germany’s expansionist policy. Kossinna has built an indisputable knowledge of archaeological materials, in part by painstakingly documenting prehistoric artifacts in museums in several European countries. His most famous work is 1921 German prehistoric history: an outstanding discipline of nationalities. His most notorious work was a pamphlet published at the end of World War I, just after New Poland was carved from Ostmark, Germany. In this article, Kossinna points out that the Pomeranian basin found at the Polish site near the Vistula River is a Germanic tradition, so Poland naturally belongs to Germany.


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