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在第一次工业革命期间,英国经历了巨大的变化 – 科学发现,扩大了国民生产总值,新技术,新建筑和结构类型。与此同时,人口发生了变化 – 人数增加,城市化程度更高,更健康,受教育程度更高。随着工业革命的开展,有证据表明一些人从农村地区和外国移民过来。但是,虽然增长肯定是革命的一个促成因素,但是为巨大的工业扩张提供了迫切需要的劳动力,革命也有助于增加城市人口。更高的工资和更好的饮食使人们聚集在一起融入新的城市文化。历史研究表明,在1700至1750年间,英格兰人口保持相对平稳,增长很少。在全国人口普查开始之前的这段时间内,并不存在准确的数字,但从现有的历史记录中可以清楚地看出,英国在本世纪下半叶经历了人口爆炸。一些估计表明,在1750年至1850年间,英格兰的人口增加了一倍多。鉴于人口增长发生在英格兰经历第一次工业革命时,两者很可能相关。人们确实从农村地区搬迁到大城市,以便更接近新工厂的工作场所,但研究已经排除了纯粹的移民是最大的因素。人口增长来自内部因素,例如结婚年龄的变化,健康状况的改善,允许更多的孩子生活,以及出生人数的增加。在18世纪上半叶,与欧洲其他地区相比,英国人的婚姻年龄相对较晚,而且很大一部分人从未结婚。但突然间,人们第一次结婚的平均年龄下降,人们从未结婚的比例下降,最终导致更多的孩子。对于非婚生子女,英国的出生率也有所上升。随着年轻人进入城市,他们遇到了更多的人,并增加了人口稀少的农村地区的比赛机会。尽管对实际工资增长的确切百分比的估计有所不同,但学者们认为,由于经济繁荣的发展,人们可以放心地开始家庭生活。在工业革命时期,英国的死亡率开始下降,人们开始延长寿命。这可能是令人惊讶的,因为新拥挤的城市充斥着疾病和疾病,城市死亡率高于农村地区,但总体健康改善和更好的饮食(从改善的粮食生产和购买工资)抵消了这一点。活产的增加和死亡率的下降归因于许多因素,包括瘟疫的结束(这发生在太多年前),或气候正在改变,或者医院和医疗技术取得了进展如天花疫苗。但今天,婚姻和出生率的上升被认为是人口数量急剧增长的主要原因。


During the first industrial revolution, the UK experienced tremendous changes – scientific discoveries that expanded gross national product, new technologies, new buildings and structural types. At the same time, the population has changed – the number of people has increased, the degree of urbanization is higher, healthier and more educated. With the development of the industrial revolution, there is evidence that some people have come from rural areas and foreign immigrants. However, although growth is certainly a contributing factor to the revolution, it provides a much-needed labor force for huge industrial expansion, and the revolution also helps increase the urban population. Higher wages and a better diet bring people together to integrate into the new urban culture. Historical studies have shown that between 1700 and 1750, the population of England remained relatively stable with little growth. There is no accurate figure during the period before the start of the national census, but it is clear from the current history that the UK experienced a population explosion in the second half of the century. Some estimates indicate that between 1750 and 1850, the population of England more than doubled. Given that population growth occurred in England when it experienced the first industrial revolution, the two are likely to be related. People do move from rural areas to big cities to get closer to the workplace of the new factory, but research has ruled out that pure immigration is the biggest factor. Population growth comes from internal factors such as changes in the age of marriage, improvement in health status, allowing more children to live, and an increase in the number of births. In the first half of the 18th century, British marriages were relatively late compared to other parts of Europe, and a large proportion of them never married. But all of a sudden, the average age of people getting married for the first time has dropped, and the proportion of people who have never married has fallen, eventually leading to more children. For children born out of wedlock, the birth rate in the UK has also increased. As young people enter the city, they meet more people and increase competition opportunities in sparsely populated rural areas. Although estimates of the exact percentage of real wage growth are different, scholars believe that due to the economic boom, people can safely start family life. During the Industrial Revolution, the mortality rate in the UK began to decline and people began to prolong their lives. This may be surprising because new crowded cities are full of diseases and diseases, and urban mortality is higher than in rural areas, but overall health improvements and better diets (from improved food production and wage purchases) offset this. . The increase in live births and the decline in mortality are attributable to many factors, including the end of the plague (which happened too many years ago), or the climate is changing, or hospitals and medical technologies have made progress such as smallpox vaccines. But today, the rise in marriage and birth rates is considered to be the main reason for the sharp increase in population.
