产卵发生在夏末和秋季的深水中。 雄性粗壮的鱿鱼通过用触角抓住雌性并将雌成虫的臂甲臂插入雌性的地幔腔中,从而使雌性浸渍。 受精后,雄性死亡。 雌性产下约120到150个卵,约50个卵(每个卵子的十分之一英寸以下)。 批次间隔约三个星期。 每个鸡蛋都嵌入一个大小为0.3-0.5英寸的乳白色耐用结实的胶囊中。 母亲将胶囊单个或成组地附着在海藻,蛤壳,海绵块或底部的其他物体上。 然后她死了。 4-9个月后,年轻的成年幼崽从胶囊中孵出,不久就开始以小型甲壳类为食。 鱿鱼的寿命在18个月到2年之间。


Spawning occurs in deep water in late summer and autumn. The male stout squid impregnates the female by grasping the female with the tentacles and inserting the arm of the female adult into the female mantle cavity. After fertilization, the male died. Females produce about 120 to 150 eggs and about 50 eggs (one tenth of an inch or less of each egg). The batches are separated by about three weeks. Each egg is embedded in a milky white durable sturdy capsule measuring 0.3-0.5 inches. Mothers attach capsules individually or in groups to algae, clam shells, sponge blocks or other objects on the bottom. Then she died. After 4-9 months, young adult pups hatched from the capsules and soon began to feed on small crustaceans. The life span of squid is between 18 months and 2 years.


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