
锤头蝙蝠是食果动物,这意味着它们的饮食完全由水果组成。虽然无花果是他们喜爱的食物,但他们也吃香蕉、芒果和番石榴。蝙蝠的肠子比一种食虫物种的肠子长,这使得蝙蝠能够从食物中吸收更多的蛋白质。关于蝙蝠吃鸡肉的报道,只有一篇,但尚未证实有肉食活动。蝙蝠被人类和猛禽捕食。它们也容易受到严重的寄生虫侵扰。锤头蝙蝠容易被螨和木质肝囊虫感染,木质肝囊虫是一种影响肝脏的原生动物。该物种是埃博拉病毒的可疑宿主,但截至2017年,在动物中只发现了针对该病毒的抗体(而不是病毒本身)。蝙蝠是否能将埃博拉病毒传染给人类尚不清楚。白天,蝙蝠栖息在树上,依靠它们的颜色来伪装它们免受捕食者的伤害。他们晚上摘水果吃。像锤头蝙蝠这样的大型蝙蝠夜间活动的一个原因是因为它们的身体在飞行时产生相当大的热量。夜间活动有助于防止动物过热。有些种群在旱季进行繁殖,有些种群在一年中的任何时间进行繁殖。蝙蝠的大多数成员通过LK交配繁殖。在这种交配方式中,雄性成群结队地聚集25到130个人进行交配仪式,包括拍打翅膀和大声鸣叫。女性通过小组评估潜在配偶。当雌性选择时,她就在雄性旁边,交配发生。在一些锤头蝙蝠种群中,雄性蝙蝠表演它们的表演来吸引雌性,但不形成群体。雌性通常生下一个后代。怀孕和断奶所需的时间还不清楚,但众所周知,女性比男性成熟得更快。女性在6个月时达到性成熟。雄性发育锤头脸需要整整一年的时间,大约需要18个月才能成熟。蝙蝠在野外的预期寿命为三十年。最后对锤击蝙蝠的保护现状进行了2016的评价。蝙蝠被归类为“最不担心的动物”。虽然蝙蝠被捕食为灌木肉,但是蝙蝠的地理分布范围很大,而且总体数量并没有急剧下降。 新加坡国立大学生物学Essay代写:蝙蝠仿生原理 Hammerhead bats are fruit eaters, which means that their diet consists entirely of fruit. Although figs are their favorite food, they also eat bananas, mangoes and guavas. The intestines of bats are longer than those of an insectivorous species, which allows bats to absorb more protein from their food. There is only one report about bats eating chicken, but no meat activity has been confirmed. Bats are preyed on by humans and birds of prey. They are also vulnerable to severe parasite infestation. Hammerhead bats are susceptible to mites and lignocellular cysticercosis, a protozoan that affects the liver. The species is a suspected host of Ebola virus, but as of 2017, only antibodies against the virus (not the virus itself) had been found in animals. It is not clear whether bats can transmit Ebola virus to humans. During the day, bats inhabit trees and rely on their color to disguise themselves from predators. They pick fruit at night. One reason...
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三元智力理论提出有三种不同类型的智力:实用,独特和分析。它由着名心理学家罗伯特·斯特恩伯格(Robert J. Sternberg)制定,他的研究通常侧重于人类智慧和创造力。三元理论由三个子理论组成,每个子理论都涉及一种特定的智力:与实际智能相对应的语境子理论,或在一个人的环境中成功运作的能力;体验式理论,对应于创造性智慧,或处理新情况或问题的能力;和成分的理论,对应于分析智能,或解决问题的能力。斯特恩伯格在1985年提出了他的理论,作为一般智力因素概念的替代。一般情报因素,也称为g,是智力测验通常测量的因素。它仅指“学术智慧”.Sternberg认为,在衡量个人的整体智力时,实用智能 - 一个人对周围世界作出反应和适应的能力 - 以及创造力同样重要。他还认为,情报不是固定的,而是包含一系列可以开发的能力。斯腾伯格的断言促成了他的理论的产生。 新加坡国立大学生物学Essay代写:三元智力理论 The triarchic theory of intelligence proposes that there are three distinct types of intelligence: practical, distinct, and analytical. It was formulated by Robert J. Sternberg, a well-known psychologist whose research often focuses on human intelligence and creativity. The triarchic theory is comprised of three subtheories, each of which relates to a specific kind of intelligence: the contextual subtheory, which corresponds to practical intelligence, or the ability to successfully function in one’s environment; the experiential subtheory, which corresponds to creative intelligence, or the ability to deal with novel situations or issues; and the componential subtheory, which corresponds to analytical intelligence, or the ability to solve problems. Sternberg proposed his theory in 1985 as an alternative to the idea of the general intelligence factor. The general intelligence factor, also known as g, is what intelligence tests typically measure. It refers only to to “academic intelligence.” Sternberg argued that practical intelligence — a person’s ability to react...
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