作为一种吸引感官而非逻辑的方法,感官营销可以以传统大众营销无法实现的方式影响人们。 经典的大众营销基于这样的信念,即人们(作为消费者)在面对购买决策时会“理性地”表现。 传统营销假设消费者将系统地考虑具体的产品因素,例如价格,功能和效用。 相比之下,感官营销则试图利用消费者的生活经历和感受。 这些生活经历具有可识别的感觉,情感,认知和行为方面。 感官营销假设人们作为消费者,将根据其情感冲动而不是根据客观推理来采取行动。 通过这种方式,有效的感官营销活动可能会导致消费者选择购买某种产品,而不是同等但更便宜的选择。


As a way to appeal to the senses rather than the logic, sensory marketing can influence people in ways that traditional mass marketing cannot achieve. Classical mass marketing is based on the belief that people (as consumers) behave “rationally” in the face of purchasing decisions. Traditional marketing assumes that consumers will systematically consider specific product factors such as price, functionality and utility. In contrast, sensory marketing attempts to take advantage of consumers’ life experiences and feelings. These life experiences have identifiable feelings, emotions, cognition and behavioral aspects. Sensory marketing assumes that people, as consumers, will act on their emotional impulses rather than on objective reasoning. In this way, effective sensory marketing campaigns may result in consumers choosing to buy a product rather than an equivalent but cheaper option.


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