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Percival Lowell(1855年3月13日 – 1916年11月12日)是一位出生于波士顿富豪洛厄尔家族的商人和天文学家。他一生致力于寻找火星上的生命,他是在他在亚利桑那州弗拉格斯塔夫建造的天文台进行的。他关于火星上运河存在的理论最终被证明是错误的,但在以后的生活中,他为发现冥王星奠定了基础。 Lowell也因建立洛厄尔天文台而闻名,该天文台至今仍在为天文研究和学习做出贡献。洛厄尔制作了大量的火星图纸,记录了他认为他所看到的运河。他认为,面对气候变化的火星文明建造了运河,以便从地球的冰帽中运水,灌溉农作物。他出版了几本书,包括火星(1885年),火星及其运河(1906年),以及火星作为生命的居所(1908年)。在他的书中,洛厄尔为红色星球上智能生命的存在建立了一个谨慎的理由。洛厄尔从小就对天文学着迷。他阅读有关这一主题的书籍,尤其受天文学家Giovanni Schiaparelli对火星上“canali”的描述的启发。 Canali是意大利语中的通道,但它被误译为平均运河 – 定义为人造水道,因此意味着火星上存在生命。由于这种误译,洛厄尔开始研究火星,以寻找智能生命的证据。这个任务在他的余生中保持了他的注意力。 1894年,洛厄尔前往亚利桑那州弗拉格斯塔夫,寻找清澈,黑暗的天空和干燥的气候。在那里,他建造了洛厄尔天文台,在那里他花了15年的时间通过一台24英寸的Alvan Clark&Sons望远镜研究火星。他觉得他在地球上看到的“标记”并不自然,并开始编目他可以通过望远镜看到的所有表面特征。 Percival Lowell于1855年3月13日出生在马萨诸塞州的波士顿。他是富裕的洛厄尔氏族的成员,因其长期参与纺织品和慈善事业而闻名于波士顿地区。他与诗人Amy Lowell和律师及法律专家Abbott Lawrence Lowell有关,而马萨诸塞州洛厄尔镇也是以这个家族命名的。珀西瓦尔的早期教育包括英国,法国和美国的私立学校。他就读于哈佛大学,1876年毕业,获得数学学位。毕业后,他经营了一家家庭的纺织厂,然后前往亚洲各地,然后担任韩国外交使团的外交秘书。他对亚洲的哲学和宗教着迷,并最终写了他的第一本关于韩国的书(Chosŏn:早晨平静的土地,韩国的草图)。他在亚洲生活了12年后搬回了美国。


Percival Lowell (March 13, 1855–November 12, 1916) was a businessman and astronomer born into Boston’s wealthy Lowell family. He devoted much of his life to the search for life on Mars, which he conducted from the observatory he built in Flagstaff, Arizona. His theory of the presence of canals on Mars was ultimately disproved, but later in life, he laid the groundwork for the discovery of Pluto. Lowell is also remembered for founding the Lowell Observatory, which continues to contribute to astronomical research and learning to this day. Lowell made extensive drawings of the Mars, documenting the canals he believed he was seeing. He theorized that a Martian civilization, faced with climate change, had built the canals to transport water from the planet’s ice caps to irrigate crops. He published several books, including Mars (1885), Mars and its Canals (1906), and Mars as the Abode of Life (1908). In his books, Lowell built a careful rationale for the existence of intelligent life on the red planet. Lowell was fascinated by astronomy from an early age. He read books on the topic, and was particularly inspired by astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli’s description of “canali” on Mars. Canali is the Italian word for channels, but it was mistranslated to mean canals—defined as man-made waterways and consequently implying the presence of life on mars. Thanks to this mistranslation, Lowell began studying Mars to find proof of intelligent life. The quest kept his attention for the rest of his life. In 1894, Lowell traveled to Flagstaff, Arizona in search of clear, dark skies and a dry climate. There, he built the Lowell Observatory, where he spent the next 15 years studying Mars through a 24-inch Alvan Clark & Sons telescope. He felt that the “markings” he saw on the planet weren’t natural, and set out to catalog all the surface features he could see through the telescope. Percival Lowell was born in Boston, Massachusetts on March 13, 1855. He was a member of the wealthy Lowell clan, famous in the Boston area for its long involvement in textiles and philanthropy. He was related to the poet Amy Lowell and the lawyer and legal expert Abbott Lawrence Lowell, and the town of Lowell, Massachusetts was named for the family. Percival’s early education included private schools in England, France, and the United States. He attended Harvard University, graduating in 1876 with a degree in mathematics. After graduation, he ran one of the family’s textile mills, then traveled throughout Asia before taking a position as a foreign secretary at the Korean diplomatic mission. He was fascinated with Asian philosophies and religions, and ultimately wrote his first book about Korea (Chosŏn: the Land of the Morning Calm, a Sketch of Korea). He moved back to the United States after 12 years living in Asia.
