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本地西雅图乐队在几周内取得了突破性的成就 – 数百万流,许多,许多下载和十万张专辑。乐队开始巡回演出并响应需求,票价开始攀升。但现在出现了一些有趣的事情:随着门票价格的上涨,观众变得越来越小 – 到目前为止没有问题,因为正在发生的事情是乐队正在播放较小的场地,但票价大幅提高 – 仍然是一场胜利。但随后,乐队的管理层发现了一个问题。随着观众人数越来越少,所有那些高标记收藏品的销售量也越来越高 – 乐队T恤,咖啡杯,相册等:“merch”。我们的西雅图乐队的门票价格增加了一倍以上,价格为60.00美元,而且每个场地的门票价格仍然只有一半左右。到目前为止一切都那么好:500张门票60美元,比1000张门票多25美元。然而,该乐队的平均销售额平均为35美元。现在这个等式看起来有点不同:500 tix x $(60.00 + $ 35.00)小于1,000 tix x($ 25.00 + 35)。价格较高的门票销售下降造成了商品销售的比例下降。这两种产品是互补的。随着乐队门票的价格上涨,对乐队商品的需求下降。 您可以按如下方式计算交叉价格需求弹性(CPoD):CPEoD =(商品A的数量需求变化百分比)÷(商品A的价格变化百分比)


The local Seattle band achieved breakthrough achievements in a few weeks – millions of streams, many, many downloads and 100,000 albums. The band began to tour and responded to demand, and the fare began to climb. But now there are some interesting things: as the ticket price rises, the audience gets smaller and smaller – so far there is no problem, because what is happening is that the band is playing a smaller venue, but the fare is greatly improved – Still a victory. But then, the management of the band found a problem. With fewer and fewer viewers, all of the high-flag collections are getting more and more sales – band T-shirts, coffee cups, photo albums, etc.: “merch”. The ticket price for our Seattle band has more than doubled, the price is $60.00, and the ticket price for each venue is still only about half. Everything is so good so far: 500 tickets for $60, and $25 more for 1,000 tickets. However, the average sales of the band averaged $35. This equation now looks a bit different: 500 tix x $(60.00 + $ 35.00) is less than 1,000 tix x ($ 25.00 + 35). The decline in the sale of higher-priced tickets has caused a decline in the proportion of merchandise sales. These two products are complementary. As the price of the band tickets rises, the demand for the band’s merchandise drops. You can calculate the cross-price demand elasticity (CPoD) as follows: CPEoD = (% change in quantity demand for commodity A) ÷ (% change in price of commodity A)
