
撇开党派偏见不谈,老师们可以在课堂上使用这个推特,使亚瑟·米勒的戏剧《坩埚》的研究更加及时。这个剧本最初是由米勒在1953年写的,它用“巫婆追捕”这个概念作为与麦卡锡主义有关的政治的寓言。1950年代的冷战是美国政府利用众议院设立的非美国活动委员会调查美国人及其与共产主义的关系的时期。学生们可以决定特朗普总统使用的术语“猎巫”在今天是否具有不同的含义,因为随着政治局势的变化,剧本的阅读也会发生变化。以这种方式使用文学作品可以帮助所有年龄段的学生了解当今的政治气候。从莎士比亚的作品到约翰·斯坦贝克的散文,有大量的小说作品能够以一种社会研究的历史视角所不能提供的方式洞察总统。小说家E.L.多克托罗(Ragtime,The.)在2006年《时代》杂志的一次采访中指出:“历史学家会告诉你发生了什么,但小说家会告诉你是什么样的感觉。”教导学生如何发展他们的感情,尤其是如何同情他人,是轻而易举的任务。R.下面的标题通常在7-12年级授课。这份清单包括了教师如何将这些文学作品与当今的政治事件联系起来的建议。《麦克白》或《苏格兰戏剧》涵盖了莎士比亚读者熟悉的主题:爱、力量、遗憾。然而,一个主题是雄心勃勃的主题及其优点和危险。《婢女的故事》中的材料只适合高中生,因为小说中的事件需要成熟的读者。这部小说描述了可怕的集体处决、卖淫、焚书、奴隶制和一夫多妻制。这部小说以未来的美国为背景,以主人公奥弗雷德的录音为特色,奥弗雷德描述了这个虚构社会的妇女是如何失去她们的权利。 新加坡国立大学文学Assignment代写:特朗普术语 Aside from partisan prejudice, teachers can use this twitter in class to make the study of Arthur Miller's drama "the crucible" more timely. The script was originally written by Miller in 1953. It uses the concept of "witch pursuit" as a parable of politics related to Mccarthy. The 1950s cold war was the time for the United States government to investigate Americans and their relations with communism by the non American Committee of Representatives set up by the house of Representatives. Students can decide whether President Trump uses the term "witch hunting" to have different meanings today, because as the political situation changes, the reading of the script will change. The use of literary works in this way helps students of all ages to understand the current political climate. From Shakespeare's works to John Stainback's prose, a large number of novels can be seen in a way that can not be provided by a historical perspective of social research. "The...
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诗歌无处不在,它隐藏在平淡的视野中。像目录和税收形式的日常写作可以包含“找到的诗”的成分。发现诗歌的作者从各种来源拉动词语和短语,包括新闻文章,购物清单,涂鸦,历史文献,甚至其他文学作品。原始语言被重新格式化以创建发现的诗歌。如果你曾经玩过磁性诗歌套装,那么你对发现的诗歌很熟悉。词是借来的,但这首诗是独一无二的。一首成功发现的诗歌不会简单地重复信息。相反,诗人与文本交互,并提供了新的背景,相反的观点,新的洞察力,或抒情和令人回味的写作。就像塑料瓶可以回收来制作椅子一样,源文本也会变成完全不同的东西。传统上,发现的诗歌只使用原始来源的文字。然而,诗人已经开发出许多方法来处理发现的语言。重新排列词序,插入换行符和节以及添加新语言可以成为流程的一部分。看看这六种流行的创作诗歌的方法。 新加坡国立大学Assignment代写:发现诗歌简介 Poetry is everywhere, and it hides in plain view. Everyday writing like catalogs and tax forms can contain the ingredients for a "found poem." Writers of found poetry pull words and phrases from various sources, including news articles, shopping lists, graffiti, historic documents, and even other works of literature. The original language is reformatted to create the found poem. If you've ever played with a magnetic poetry kit, then you're familiar with found poetry. Words are borrowed, and yet the poem is unique. A successful found poem doesn't simply repeat information. Instead, the poet engages with the text and offers a new context, a contrary view, a fresh insight, or lyrical and evocative writing. Just as plastic bottles can be recycled to make a chair, the source text is transformed into something completely different. Traditionally, a found poem uses only words from the original source. However, poets have developed many ways to work with found language. Rearranging word order, inserting...
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