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“暴力是人在重建自己。”乔治奥威尔:“我们在床上安然入睡,因为粗暴的男人在夜里准备好对那些会伤害我们的人进行暴力行为。”托马斯·霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes):“首先,我认为全人类普遍倾向于权力之后永久和不安的权力欲望,这种欲望只会在死亡中停止。而这种情况的原因并不总是一个人希望更加密集比他已经达到的高兴,或者他不能满足于适度的力量,但是因为他不能保证他所拥有的力量和手段,而不是获得更多。“ NiccolòMachiavelli:“在此之后,人们不得不说,男人应该受到良好的待遇或压垮,因为他们可以报复轻伤,更严重的伤害他们不能;因此对男人应该受到的伤害应该是这样一种人不会害怕报复。“ NiccolòMachiavelli:“我说每个王子都必须要被认为是仁慈而不是残忍。但是,他必须注意不要滥用这种仁慈。[…]因此,王子一定不要介意承担残忍的责任。保持他的主体团结和自信的目的;因为,只有极少数的例子,他将比那些因过度的温柔,允许出现紊乱,从那里发生春季谋杀和掠夺的人更加仁慈;因为这些通常会伤害到整个社区,而王子执行的处决只会伤害一个人[…]由此产生的问题是,被爱是否比被害怕更好,或者担心的不仅仅是被爱。回答是,一个应该是两个人害怕和被爱,但由于这两个人很难走在一起,如果两个人中的一个人不得不想要,那么担心比被爱更安全。小马丁·路德(Jean Luther Kind Jr。):“暴力的最终弱点是,它是一个下降的螺旋,产生它想要摧毁的东西。而不是减少邪恶,它会倍增它。通过暴力你可以谋杀骗子,但你不能谋杀通过暴力,你可以谋杀仇恨,但你不会谋杀仇恨。事实上,暴力只会增加仇恨。所以它就是这样。为暴力而回归暴力会增加暴力,给已经无法生存的夜晚增添更深的黑暗黑暗无法驱逐黑暗:只有光可以做到这一点。仇恨不能驱散仇恨:只有爱才能做到这一点。


“Violence is that people are rebuilding themselves.” George Orwell: “We sleep peacefully in bed, because the rude man is ready to violently act on those who will harm us at night.” Thomas Hobbs ( Thomas Hobbes): “First of all, I think that all human beings generally prefer a permanent and uneasy desire for power after power. This desire will only stop in death. The reason for this situation is not always that one wants to be more intensive than him. Have already reached happiness, or he can’t be satisfied with modest power, but because he can’t guarantee the power and means he has, not get more.” NiccolòMachiavelli: “After that, people have to say that men should be well received. Treatment or crushing, because they can retaliate against minor injuries, and more serious injuries they can’t; therefore, the harm that men should be hurt should be such a person will not be afraid of revenge.” NiccolòMachiavelli: “I said that every prince must be It is considered merciful rather than cruel. However, he must be careful not to abuse this kindness. […] Therefore, The prince must not mind taking responsibility for cruelty. Keeping his subject united and confident; for only a few examples, he will be more than those who are overly gentle, allowing disorder, from where spring murder and looting occur. Kindness; because these usually hurt the entire community, and the executor’s execution will only hurt one person […] The question that arises is whether being loved is better than being afraid, or worrying more than being loved The answer is that one should be two people afraid and loved, but because these two people are difficult to walk together, if one of the two people has to want, then worry is safer than being loved. Martin Luther ( Jean Luther Kind Jr.): “The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a falling spiral that produces what it wants to destroy. Instead of reducing evil, it will multiply it. Through violence you can murder liar, but you can’t murder through violence, you can murder hatred, but you won’t murder hatred. In fact, violence only increases hatred. So it is like this. Returning to violence for violence increases violence and adds darker darkness to nights that are no longer viable. It cannot evict the darkness: only light can do this. Hatred cannot dispel hatred: only love can do this.
