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患有亢进症的人(也称为高度优越的自传体记忆,或HSAM)能够以极高的细节水平记住他们生活中的事件。鉴于随机日期,患有亢进症的人通常能够告诉您一周中的哪一天,他们当天所做的事情,以及该日期是否发生过任何着名事件。事实上,在一项研究中,患有亢进症的人能够回忆起他们在特定日期所做的事情,即使他们在过去10天内被问及。患有亢进症的Nima Veiseh向BBC未来描述了他的经历:“我的记忆就像是一个VHS录音带库,从我醒来到睡眠,我生命中的每一天都在走过。”患有亢进症的人似乎有这种能力。专门记住他们自己生活中的事件。患有亢进症的人通常无法回答关于他们出生前发生的历史事件的这些相同类型的问题,或者关于他们生命早期的记忆(他们非凡的记忆通常在他们的青春期或青少年时期开始)。此外,研究人员发现,在测量记忆类型的测试中,他们并不总是比平均水平更好,而不是记忆他们自己的生活(例如测试要求他们记住在研究中给予他们的单词对)。


People with hyperthymesia (also called highly superior autobiographical memory, or HSAM) are able to remember events from their lives with an incredibly high level of detail. Given a random date, a person who has hyperthymesia will usually be able to tell you what day of the week it was, something they did that day, and whether any famous events happened on that date. In fact, in one study, people with hyperthymesia were able to recall what they had been doing on specific dates even when they were quizzed about days 10 years in the past. Nima Veiseh, who has hyperthymesia, describes his experiences to BBC Future: “My memory is like a library of VHS tapes, walk-throughs of every day of my life from waking to sleeping.” The ability that people with hyperthymesia have seems to be specific to remembering events from their own lives. People with hyperthymesia generally can’t answer these same types of questions about historical events that happened before they were born, or about memories from earlier in their lives (their extraordinary memory typically starts around their preteen or early teen years). Additionally, researchers have found that they don’t always do better than average on tests that measure types of memory other than memory of their own lives (such as tests asking them to remember pairs of words given to them in a research study).
