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新加坡国立大学英美Literature Essay代写:投机小说

加拿大作家玛格丽特·阿特伍德(Margaret Atwood)拥有许多广受好评的小说。 她的一些最畅销的书名是“ Oryx and Crake”(2003年),“ The Handmaid’s Tale”(1986年)和“ The Blind Assassin”(2000年)。 她以女权主义和反乌托邦政治主题而闻名,她的作品多产,涵盖多种类型,包括诗歌,短篇小说和散文。 她将自己的“投机小说”与科幻小说区分开来,因为“科幻小说有怪物和宇宙飞船;投机小说可能真的发生了”。

新加坡国立大学英美Literature Essay代写:投机小说

Canadian writer Margaret Atwood has many critically acclaimed novels. Some of her best-selling titles are “Oryx and Crake” (2003), “The Handmaid’s Tale” (1986), and “The Blind Assassin” (2000). Known for feminist and dystopian political themes, her work is prolific and covers multiple genres, including poetry, short stories, and prose. She distinguishes her “speculative fiction” from science fiction because “science fiction has monsters and spaceships; speculative fiction may really happen.”
