到2009年,有人暗示金正日选择金正恩作为“伟大的接班人”,跟随他成为最高领袖。 2009年4月,金被任命为强大的国防委员会主席,并被称为“辉煌同志”。到2010年9月,金正恩被任命为国家安全部部长和陆军四星将军。。 在2011年,很明显金正恩将接替他的父亲。 金正日于2011年12月17日去世后不久,金正恩被宣布为最高领导人,当时这是一个非正式的头衔,公开确立了他作为朝鲜政府和军方领导人的地位。 不到30岁,他已成为他的国家的第三任领导人和世界第四大军队的指挥官。


By 2009, it was suggested that Kim Jong-il chose Kim Jong-un as the “great successor” and followed him as the supreme leader. In April 2009, Kim was appointed as the chairman of the powerful National Defense Commission and was known as the “Glorious Comrade.” By September 2010, Kim Jong-un was appointed Minister of National Security and Army Four-Star General. . In 2011, it was clear that Kim Jong-un would succeed his father. Shortly after Kim Jong Il’s death on December 17, 2011, Kim Jong-un was declared the top leader. At the time, it was an informal title that publicly established his status as the North Korean government and military leader. Less than 30 years old, he has become the third leader of his country and the commander of the fourth largest army in the world.


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