基辛格在政治上的职业生涯始于洛克菲勒,这位富裕的共和党人在20世纪60年代担任纽约州州长期间。基辛格担任洛克菲勒的外交政策顾问,直到他被共和党总统理查德·尼克松(Richard M. Nixon)任命为国家安全顾问。基辛格从1969年1月至1975年11月初担任该职务,同时担任1973年9月开始担任国务院的秘书。在尼克松在水门事件丑闻中辞职,副总统杰拉尔德福特接任总统后,基辛格继续留任白宫政府。 。基辛格的遗产是作为现实政治的主要实践者,这个词用来表示实际的“政治现实”,或者是一种植根于一个国家的力量而不是道德和世界舆论的哲学。这也将是他对美国外交政策的巨大影响。基辛格最重要的外交胜利包括:在20世纪60年代和70年代的冷战期间,核超级大国苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟或苏联与美国之间的紧张局势缓和。冷却时间被称为“缓和”。基辛格和尼克松利用这一战略降低了各国之间的摊牌,反过来又赢得了减少武器条约。基辛格因缓和冷战紧张局势和防止第三次世界大战而受到广泛赞誉。结束了美中两国20多年的外交隔阂,导致1972年尼克松与中国共产党臭名昭着的创始人毛泽东的会晤。 1971年,基辛格开始与毛泽东政府秘密谈判,认为美国将从友好关系中获益,进一步说明基辛格对现实政治或实际政治的信仰。


Kissinger’s political career began in Rockefeller, the wealthy Republican who served as governor of New York State in the 1960s. Kissinger served as Rockefeller’s foreign policy adviser until he was appointed National Security Advisor by Republican President Richard M. Nixon. Kissinger served in the position from January 1969 to early November 1975, and served as Secretary of the State Council in September 1973. After Nixon resigned in the Watergate scandal and Vice President Gerald Ford took over as president, Kissinger continued to remain in the White House government. . Kissinger’s legacy is the main practitioner of real politics. The term is used to mean the actual “political reality” or a philosophy rooted in the power of a nation rather than morality and world opinion. This will also be his huge influence on US foreign policy. Kissinger’s most important diplomatic victories included the easing of tension between the nuclear superpower’s Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War in the 1960s and 1970s. The cooling time is called “mitigation.” Kissinger and Nixon used this strategy to reduce the showdown between countries and in turn won the Treaty on the Reduction of Weapons. Kissinger was widely acclaimed for easing tensions in the Cold War and preventing the Third World War. It ended more than 20 years of diplomatic estrangement between the United States and China, leading to the meeting between Nixon and the infamous founder of the Chinese Communist Party, Mao Zedong, in 1972. In 1971, Kissinger began a secret negotiation with the Mao Zedong government, arguing that the United States would benefit from friendly relations and further explain Kissinger’s belief in real or actual politics.


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