民族主义是一个术语,用于描述对一个国家及其人民,习俗和价值观的热烈情感认同。在政治和公共政策中,民族主义是一种学说,其使命是保护一个国家的自治权,并保护一个国家的居民免受全球经济和社会压力。民族主义的反面是全球主义。民族主义的范围可以从最为温和形式的挥舞旗帜的爱国主义的“不假思索的奉献”,到最严重和最危险的沙文主义,仇外心理,种族主义和种族中心主义。西格鲁吉亚大学哲学教授Walter Riker写道:“这通常与对一个国家的深刻情感承诺有关 – 超越和反对所有其他国家 – 导致像20世纪30年代德国国家社会主义者所犯下的那些暴行。”在现代时代,唐纳德特朗普总统的“美国第一”理论集中在民族主义政策上,其中包括对进口产品征收更高的关税,打击非法移民,以及美国退出其政府认为对美国工人有害的贸易协定。评论家将特朗普的民族主义品牌描述为白人身份政治;事实上,他的当选恰逢所谓的右翼运动的兴起,这是一群松散联系的年轻,心怀不满的共和党人和白人民族主义者。 2017年,特朗普告诉联合国大会:“在外交事务中,我们正在重申这一基本主权原则。我们政府的首要职责是为了人民,为了我们的公民,满足他们的需要,确保他们的安全,保护他们的权利和捍卫他们的价值观。我将永远把美国放在第一位,就像你一样,作为你们国家的领导人,将始终并且应该始终把你们的国家放在第一位。


Nationalism is a term used to describe a fervent emotional identification with one’s country and its people, customs, and values. In politics and public policy, nationalism is a doctrine whose mission is to protect a nation’s right to self-govern and shield fellow residents of a state from global economic and social pressures. The opposite of nationalism is globalism. Nationalism can range from the “unthinking devotion” of flag-waving patriotism in its most benign form, to chauvinism, xenophobia, racism, and ethnocentrism at its worst and most dangerous. “It is often associated with the sort of deeply emotional commitment to one’s nation — over and against all others — that leads to atrocities like those committed by the National Socialists in Germany in the 1930s,” wrote University of West Georgia philosophy professor Walter Riker. In the modern era, President Donald Trump’s “America First” doctrine was centered on nationalist policies that included higher tariffs on imports, a crackdown on illegal immigration, and the withdrawal of the United States from trade agreements his administration believed were harmful for American workers. Critics described Trump’s brand of nationalism as white identity politics; indeed, his election coincided with the rise of the so called alt-right movement, a loosely connected group of young, disaffected Republicans and white nationalists. In 2017, Trump told the United Nations General Assembly: “In foreign affairs, we are renewing this founding principle of sovereignty. Our government’s first duty is to its people, to our citizens, to serve their needs, to ensure their safety, to preserve their rights and to defend their values. I will always put America first, just like you, as the leaders of your countries, will always and should always put your countries first.”


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