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新加坡国立History Essay代写:亚美尼亚

Arshile Gorky出生于奥斯曼帝国(现为土耳其的一部分)范湖岸上的霍戈姆(Khorgom)村,是亚美尼亚血统家族的一部分。 他的父亲于1908年离开家人移民到美国,以逃避奥斯曼帝国的军事征兵。 1915年,在亚美尼亚大屠杀期间,高尔基与他的母亲和三个姐妹逃离了范湖地区。 他们逃入俄罗斯控制的领土。 他的母亲于1919年因饥饿而去世后,阿尔希勒·高尔基(Arshile Gorky)于1920年前往美国与父亲团聚,但他们从未亲密接触。

新加坡国立History Essay代写:亚美尼亚

Arshile Gorky was born in the village of Khorgom on the shores of Lake Fan in the Ottoman Empire (now part of Turkey) and is part of the Armenian family. His father left his family to immigrate to the United States in 1908 to escape the military conscription of the Ottoman Empire. In 1915, during the Armenian massacre, Gorky fled the Fan Lake area with his mother and three sisters. They fled into the territory controlled by Russia. After his mother died of hunger in 1919, Arshile Gorky went to the United States in 1920 to reunite with his father, but they never touched each other.
