站点图标 essay代写,代写作业,新加坡论文代写推荐ASSIGNMENTGOOD®


Kaur出生于印度旁遮普邦,四岁时移居加拿大。 她可以阅读和说旁遮普语,但她坦言自己没有掌握使用该语言书写所必需的语言。 那并不意味着她的传统不会影响她的工作; 她的签名写作风格的一部分是完全没有大写字母,只使用了一种标点符号(句号)。 这些都是旁遮普语的功能,也是她将英语输入中的功能,以此来回溯到她所居住的地方和文化。


Kaur was born in Punjab, India and moved to Canada at the age of four. She can read and speak Punjabi, but she admitted that she did not have the language necessary to write in that language. That doesn’t mean her tradition won’t affect her work; part of her signature writing style is completely without capital letters, using only one punctuation mark (period). These are the functions of Punjabi, as well as the function of her input in English, which goes back to the place and culture where she lives.
