尽管事实上出现了信贷紧缩和战争之类的不良情况,但相对较少的时间用于贪婪的学术研究。 Wachtel的精神分析研究(2003年)是该学科中为数不多的线索之一。但是,他的研究主要集中在贪婪,物质财富和金钱之间的联系上。但是,在其他方面也可以看到贪婪。例如,弗兰克(Frank,1999)得出结论,“相互影响”也是贪婪过程中的另一个重要方面。相互影响意味着我们的选择,购买和感觉受到邻居和家人的影响(Frank,1999)。为了解释这个概念,请考虑对服装“看起来正确”的看法。仅仅通过生活在社会中,人们似乎对夹克的宽度应该有一种自动的认识。但是当时尚随着时间而改变时,人们的观念也会改变(Frank,1999)。 Wachtel(2003)作了类似的比较。他说,增加船只的平均尺寸并不能减少对更大船只的嫉妒。因为当所有船只都变大时,普通人的资产仍然感觉像“只是一条船”。


In spite of the fact that credit crunches and wars are not good, relatively little time is spent on greedy academic research. Wachtel’s psychoanalytic research (2003) is one of the few clues in the discipline. However, his research focused on the links between greed, material wealth, and money. But greed can also be seen in other ways. For example, Frank (1999) concluded that “interaction” is another important aspect of greed. Interaction means that our choices, purchases, and feelings are influenced by our neighbors and family (Frank, 1999). To explain this concept, consider the idea of ​​clothing “looking right”. Just by living in society, people seem to have an automatic perception of the width of a jacket. But when fashion changes over time, people’s perceptions also change (Frank, 1999). Wachtel (2003) made a similar comparison. He said that increasing the average size of ships does not reduce envy of larger ships. Because when all ships get bigger, the average person’s assets still feel like “just a boat.”


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