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热指的是材料的分子运动或动能的总能量。另一方面,温度是分子运动的平均或表观能量的量度。换句话说,热量是能量,而温度是能量的量度。增加热量会增加身体的温度,而去除热量会降低体温。示例:熨斗很热,因此可以说它必须有很多热量。合理但错误。更合适的是它含有大量的能量(即它具有高温),触摸它会使能量以热量的形式转移到你的手上。您可以通过在房间内放置温度计并测量环境空气温度来测量房间的温度。您可以通过打开空间加热器为房间增加热量。随着热量加入房间,温度上升。热量的SI单位是一种称为焦耳(J)的能量形式。通常还以卡路里(cal)来测量热量,其被定义为“将一克水的温度从14.5摄氏度升高到15.5摄氏度所需的热量”。热量有时也以“英国热量单位”或Btu来衡量。传热可以用正数或负数表示。释放到周围环境中的热量写为负数(Q 0)。在热力学方程中,热量是可以在两个系统之间传递的一定量的能量。相反,温度和内部能量都是静态函数。热量是可测量的(如温度),但它不是一种材料。可以将热量测量为静态或过程。静态的热量测量是温度。可以使用等式计算传热(随时间发生的过程)或使用量热法测量。传热的计算基于热力学第一定律的变化。相关术语是热通量,其是每单位横截面积的热传递率。热通量可以以瓦/平方米或焦耳/平方米为单位给出。


Heat refers to the total energy of the molecular motion or kinetic energy of a material. Temperature, on the other hand, is a measure of the average or apparent energy of molecular motion. In other words, heat is energy, while temperature is a measure of energy. Adding heat will increase a body’s temperature while removing heat will lower the temperature. Example: The iron is hot, so it’s reasonable to say it must have a lot of heat in it. Reasonable, but wrong. It’s more appropriate to say that it has a lot of energy in it (i.e. it has a high temperature), and touching it will cause that energy to transfer to your hand … in the form of heat. You can measure the temperature of a room by placing a thermometer in the room and measuring the ambient air temperature. You can add heat to a room by turning on a space heater. As heat is added to the room, the temperature rises. The SI unit for heat is a form of energy called the joule (J). Heat is frequently also measured in the calorie (cal), which is defined as “the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water from 14.5 degrees Celsius to 15.5 degrees Celsius.” Heat is also sometimes measured in “British thermal units” or Btu. Heat transfer may be indicated by either a positive or negative number. Heat that is released into the surroundings is written as a negative quantity (Q 0). In thermodynamics equations, heat is a quantity of energy which may be transferred between two systems. In contrast, both temperature and internal energy are static functions. Heat is measurable (as temperature), but it is not a material. Heat may be measured as a static state or as a process. A static measure of heat is temperature. Heat transfer (a process that occurs over time) may be calculated using equations or measured using calorimetry. Calculations of heat transfer are based on variations of the First Law of Thermodynamics. A related term is heat flux, which is the rate of heat transfer per unit cross-section area. Heat flux may be given in units of watts per square meter or joules per square meter.
