欧洲人于19世纪初到达:美国裘皮公司在1837 – 1841年间建立了商业捕鱼的短暂立足点,后来有三次建立商业铜矿的努力,以应对美国和加拿大大陆的需求繁荣。 皇家岛上只记录了19种哺乳动物,而大陆地区则超过40只。 驯鹿(驯鹿)和海狸在史前到达,但主要的动物居住者是狼和驼鹿,直到20世纪才到达这些岛屿。 对狼和驼鹿的科学研究开始于1958年,这是地球上持续时间最长的大型捕食者 – 猎物研究。 遗传学已经确定狼群是从20世纪40年代后期抵达的一位女性中堕落而来的。 最后一次大量涌入的驼鹿于1912年至1913年抵达。
Europeans arrived in the early 19th century: The American Fur Company established a short-lived foothold for commercial fishing between 1837 and 1841, and later three times established commercial copper mines to cope with the demand boom in the United States and Canada. Only 19 species of mammals were recorded on the Royal Island, compared with more than 40 in the mainland. Reindeer (reindeer) and beavers arrived in prehistoric times, but the main animal occupants were wolves and moose, which were not reached until the 20th century. Scientific research on wolves and moose began in 1958, the longest-lasting large predator on earth – prey research. Genetics has determined that wolves have fallen from a woman who arrived in the late 1940s. The last large influx of camels arrived between 1912 and 1913.