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原子中的第三种主要亚原子粒子是电子。电子比质子或中子小得多,并且通常在离核心相对较远的距离处绕原子核运行。为了使电子的大小透视,质子的质量是1863倍。由于电子的质量很低,在计算原子的质量数时只考虑质子和中子。反射质量:9.10938356×10-31 kg因为电子和质子具有相反的电荷,所以它们彼此吸引。同样重要的是要注意电子和质子的电荷,虽然相反,但幅度相等。中性原子具有相同数量的质子和电子。由于电子围绕原子核运行,它们是影响化学反应的亚原子粒子。电子的损失可导致形成称为阳离子的带正电荷的物质。获得电子可以产生称为阴离子的负面物种。化学本质上是原子和分子之间电子转移的研究。


The third major type of subatomic particle in an atom is the electron. Electrons are much smaller than protons or neutrons and typically orbit an atomic nucleus at a relatively great distance from its core. To put the electron’s size in perspective, a proton is 1863 times more massive. Because the electron’s mass is so low, only protons and neutrons are considered when calculating the mass number of an atom.Rest Mass: 9.10938356 × 10−31 kg Because the electron and proton have opposite charges, they are attracted to each other. It’s also important to note the charge of an electron and a proton, while opposite, are equal in magnitude. A neutral atom has an equal number of protons and electrons. Because electrons orbit around atomic nuclei, they are the subatomic particles that affect chemical reactions. Loss of electrons can lead to the formation of positive-charged species called cations. Gaining electrons can yield negative species called anions. Chemistry is essentially the study of electron transfer between atoms and molecules.
