
人们日常生活中的套路活动-上下班,购物,外出就餐或去参加文化展览或表演-都属于前台行为类别。人们与周围的人一起进行的“表演”遵循熟悉的规则和对他们应该做什么的期望,并在每种情况下互相讨论。人们还会在不太公共的场所(例如,在工作中的同事之间以及在教室里的学生中)从事前期行为。无论前阶段行为的设置如何,人们都知道其他人如何看待他们以及他们期望什么,这种知识告诉他们如何表现。它不仅会影响个人在社交场合的行为和说话方式,还会影响他们的着装和风格,所携带的消费品以及其行为方式(自信,端庄,愉悦,敌对等),进而,塑造其他人如何看待他们,他们对他们的期望以及他们对他们的行为。换句话说,法国社会学家皮埃尔·布尔迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)会说,文化资本是塑造前期行为以及其他人如何解释其行为的重要因素。 新加坡社会学文学Essay代写:社交场合 Routine activities in people's daily lives-commuting, shopping, eating out or going to cultural exhibitions or performances-belong to the front desk behavior category. "Performances" that people perform with those around them follow familiar rules and expectations about what they should do, and discuss each other in each case. People also engage in early behavior in less public places (for example, among colleagues at work and among students in the classroom). Regardless of the behavior of the previous stage, people know how others see them and what they expect, and this knowledge tells them how to behave. It not only affects individuals' behaviors and ways of speaking in social situations, but also their clothing and style, the consumer goods they carry and their behaviors (confidence, dignity, pleasure, hostility, etc.), and then shapes how others see them , What they expect of them and what they do to them. In other words, French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu would say that cultural capital is...
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