站点图标 essay代写,代写作业,新加坡论文代写推荐ASSIGNMENTGOOD®


奇怪的是,即使他们没有在梦中看到图像,在一些盲人身上也会出现快速眼球运动,这种运动是REM睡眠的特征。当一个人自出生以来失明或者在很小的时候失明时,更有可能发生快速眼球运动的情况。虽然不是产生图像的视觉类型,但是一些完全盲目的人可能会在视觉上感知光线。证据始于哈佛大学研究生Clyde Keeler 1923年开展的一项研究项目。基勒培育了一种具有突变的小鼠,其中他们的眼睛缺乏视网膜光感受器。尽管小鼠缺乏视力所需的视杆和视锥细胞,但它们的瞳孔对光有反应,并且它们保持昼夜节律设定的昼夜节律。八十年后,科学家在小鼠和人眼中发现了一种称为固有光敏视网膜神经节细胞(ipRGCs)的特殊细胞。 ipRGCs存在于从视网膜到大脑而不是视网膜本身传导信号的神经上。细胞检测光而不影响视力。因此,如果一个人至少有一只眼睛可以接收光(视力与否),他或她理论上可以感知光明和黑暗。


The strange thing is that even if they don’t see the image in their dreams, there will be rapid eye movements in some blind people, which is a feature of REM sleep. When a person becomes blind from birth or becomes blind at a very young age, it is more likely that rapid eye movement will occur. Although not the type of image that produces the image, some completely blind people may visually perceive light. The evidence began with a research project conducted by Harvard University graduate student Clyde Keeler in 1923. Keeler developed a mouse with mutations in which their eyes lack retinal photoreceptors. Although mice lack the rods and cones required for vision, their pupils respond to light and they maintain a circadian rhythm that is set by the circadian rhythm. Eighty years later, scientists discovered a special cell called innate photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) in mice and human eyes. ipRGCs are present on nerves that transmit signals from the retina to the brain rather than the retina itself. Cells detect light without affecting vision. Therefore, if a person has at least one eye that can receive light (visual or not), he or she can theoretically perceive light and darkness.
