
人类跑得多快?今天在我们这个星球上最快的人是牙买加运动员乌塞恩博尔特,他在2008年北京夏季奥运会上以9.58秒的世界纪录跑了100米冲刺,其速度约为每小时37.6公里或23.4英里。每小时。在短距离冲刺期间,博尔特达到惊人的12.3米/秒(27.51英里/小时或44.28公里/小时)和(27.51英里/小时或44.28公里/小时)。作为一项身体活动,跑步在质量上与步行不同。在跑步时,一个人的腿弯曲,肌肉被强行伸展,然后在加速期间收缩。随着身体中心质量的变化,人体内可能存在的重力能量和动能会发生变化。这被认为是因为肌肉中能量的交替释放和吸收。学者们认为,跑得最快的精英短跑运动员是那些经济上运行的人,这意味着他们每单位距离运动使用的能量很少。这样做的能力受肌纤维分布,年龄,性别和其他人体测量因素的影响。精英选手中最快的是年轻人。跑步者可能的速度也受到生物力学变量的影响,有些争议归因于跑步者步态的周期。 新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学Essay代写:肌肉能量 How fast is human running? The fastest person on our planet today is the Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt. He ran a 100-meter sprint at the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics with a world record of 9.58 seconds, which is about 37.6 kilometers per hour or 23.4. mile. per hour. During the short sprint, Bolt reached an astonishing 12.3 m / s (27.51 mph / 44.28 km / h) and (27.51 mph / 44.28 km / h). As a physical activity, running is different in quality from walking. While running, one's legs are bent, the muscles are forced to stretch, and then contract during acceleration. As the mass of the body changes, the possible gravity energy and kinetic energy in the human body will change. This is thought to be due to the alternating release and absorption of energy in the muscle. Scholars believe that the fastest-running elite sprinters are those who run economically, which means they use less energy per unit...
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