燃料:煤,石油,天然气(或从垃圾填埋场产生的气体),木柴火焰和氢燃料电池技术都是燃料的例子,其中消耗的资源用于释放固有的能量特性,通常燃烧以产生热能。燃料可以是可再生的(如木材或玉米等产品生成的生物燃料)或不可再生的(如煤或油)。燃料通常会产生废物副产品,其中一些可能是有害污染物。地热:地球在开展正常业务时会以地下蒸汽和岩浆等形式产生大量热量。地壳内产生的地热能可以被利用并转化为其他形式的能量,如电能。太阳能:太阳是地球唯一最重要的能量来源,它所提供的任何不用于帮助植物生长或加热地球的能量基本上都会丢失。太阳能可以与太阳能电池一起用于发电。世界上某些地区比其他地区接受更多的直射阳光,因此太阳能对所有地区都不是一致的。风:现代风车可以将流经它们的空气的动能转化为其他形式的能量,例如电能。使用风能存在一些环境问题,因为风车经常会伤害可能穿过该地区的鸟类。生物质:生物质实际上并不是一种单独的能源,而是一种特定类型的燃料。它是由有机废物产生的,如玉米穗,污水和草屑。该材料含有残余能量,可以通过在生物质发电厂中燃烧来释放。由于这些废物总是存在,因此被认为是可再生资源。核:某些元素经历放射性衰变。利用这种核能并将其转化为电能是产生大量电力的一种方式。核电是有争议的,因为使用的材料可能是危险的,并且由此产生的废物是有毒的。在切尔诺贝利等核电厂发生的事故对当地人口和环境造成了破坏性影响。尽管如此,许多国家已将核电作为重要的能源替代品。与核裂变相反,核粒子会衰变成较小的粒子,科学家们正在继续研究利用核聚变发电的可行方法。 水力发电:水力发电的使用涉及利用水中的动能运动,它向下游流动,这是地球正常水循环的一部分,以产生其他形式的能量,尤其是电力。大坝使用这个属性作为发电的手段。这种形式的水电被称为水电。水轮是一项古老的技术,它也利用这一概念产生动能来运行设备,例如谷物磨,尽管直到现代水轮机的创建,电磁感应原理才被用来发电。


Fuel: Coal, oil, natural gas (or gas generated from landfills), wood fires, and hydrogen fuel cell technology are all examples of fuels, wherein the resource is consumed to release inherent energetic properties, usually being combusted to generate heat energy. Fuels may be either renewable (like wood or bio-fuel generated from products such as corn) or nonrenewable (like coal or oil). Fuels generally create waste byproducts, some of which can be harmful pollutants. Geothermal: The Earth generates a lot of heat while going about its normal business, in the form of subterranean steam and magma among others. The geothermal energy generated within the Earth’s crust can be harnessed and transformed into other forms of energy, such as electricity. Solar: The sun is the single most significant source of energy to the planet Earth, and any energy that it provides which isn’t used to help plants grow or to heat the Earth is basically lost. Solar power can be used with solarvoltaic power cells to generate electricity. Certain regions of the world receive more direct sunlight than others, so solar energy is not uniformly practical for all areas. Wind: Modern windmills can transfer the kinetic energy of the air flowing through them into other forms of energy, such as electricity. There are some environmental concerns with using wind energy, because the windmills often injure birds who may be passing through the region. Biomass: Biomass is not really a separate type of energy, so much as a specific type of fuel. It is generated from organic waste products, such as cornhusks, sewage, and grass clippings. This material contains residual energy, which can be released by burning it in biomass power plants. Since these waste products always exist, it is considered a renewable resource. Nuclear: Certain elements undergo radioactive decay. Harnessing this nuclear energy and transforming it into electricity is one way to generate substantial power. Nuclear power is controversial because the material used can be dangerous and resultant waste products are toxic. Accidents that take place at nuclear power plants, such as Chernobyl, are devastating to local populations and environments. Still, many nations have adopted nuclear power as a significant energy alternative. As opposed to nuclear fission, where particles decay into smaller particles, scientists are continuing to study feasible ways of harnessing nuclear fusion for power production.
Hydropower: The use of hydropower involves using the kinetic motion in water as it flows downstream, part of the normal water cycle of the Earth, to generate other forms of energy, most notably electricity. Dams use this property as a means of generating electricity. This form of hydropower is called hydroelectricity. Waterwheels were an ancient technology which also made use of this concept to generate kinetic energy to run equipment, such as a grain mill, though it was not until the creation of modern water turbines that the principle of electromagnetic induction was used to generate electricity.


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