从2009年开始,美国鱼类和野生动物管理局(USFWS)开始关闭受感染的洞穴,以尽量减少洞穴探险者传播真菌的风险。 当人们参观可能含有蝙蝠的洞穴时,USFWS建议人们穿着衣服并使用从未进入洞穴的装备。 离开洞穴后,可以通过浸入热(140°F)水中20分钟来清除物品。 如果您在洞穴中观察冬眠蝙蝠,最好的做法是立即离开。 令人不安的蝙蝠,即使它们没有被感染,也会提高它们的新陈代谢并消耗脂肪储备,使它们有可能在本赛季无法存活。


Beginning in 2009, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) began closing infected caves to minimize the risk of cave explorers spreading fungi. When people visit caves that may contain bats, USFWS recommends that people wear clothes and use equipment that has never entered the cave. After leaving the cave, you can remove the item by immersing it in hot (140 °F) water for 20 minutes. If you look at a hibernating bat in a cave, the best thing to do is to leave immediately. Disturbing bats, even if they are not infected, increase their metabolism and consume fat reserves, making them unlikely to survive this season.


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